Page 6 - E-Modul_Descriptive Text_2012021135_Ida Ayu Kadek Shevany Natasya Dewi
P. 6

5.  To answer the formative test, try to give short, clear answers and do it to the
                              best of your ability.
                          6.  If there is an assignment, do it well.
                          7.  Also read and understand the assessment rubric so you can find out the value
                              you get.

                       D. Final destination
                   D.  Final destination

                          The expected goal after you have studied this module is that you can understand
                       more deeply the information about descriptive text in terms of definition, social
                       function, generic structure and language elements correctly.

                     E. Expected competence
                   E.  Expected competence

                          The competence that is expected after you study this module is that you can
                       capture the meaning of definition, social function, generic structure and language
                       elements from descriptive text.

                          F. Ability check
                   F.  Ability check

                             I.    Instructions:

                                   1)  Look at the questions carefully!

                                   2)  Do the questions below properly and correctly!
                                   3)  Write the answer in the column provided!

                             II.   Answer the following questions!
                                                     Look at the following picture

                             The picture above is two things that can be described. Which object do you think

                             can be described in more detail? Explain why one thing is better when described!

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