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P. 44
Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
Service Industry
2-4-5 Total Quality Management (TQM)
To advance towards total quality management it is
necessary to change behavior and attitudes throughout the
organization. Key features of total quality management are
employee involvement and development and teamwork
approach to dealing with improvement activities.
No one definition of TQM is accepted by everyone, since
this varies from one organization to another and from person to
person. In spite of this, most definitions include four essential
elements: continuous process improvement, people orientation,
quantitative methods and customer focus.
Total quality management requires that the principles of
quality management should be applied in every branch and at
every level in the organization. TQM uses a variety of methods
to involve and motivate people at all organizational levels with
the philosophy that improvement is a way of life.
TQM as a management approach tries to make sure that
everyone within an organization is pulling together in the same
direction to provide a better service to the customer, when,
where and how he wants that service.