Page 45 - مراقبة_merged_Neat4فنادق ثان
P. 45
Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
Service Industry
Total quality management is divided into three quality
1. Quality control by the employee to strive for zero
process deviations from standards.
2. Quality assurance by employees and supervisors to
assure standards are correct.
3. Quality improvement where by top management focuses
on the future on the allocation of resources to improve
people, products, facilities and processes.
TQM defined as “total; implies at every level in the
company, each and every day, in every department and support
group, quality; continuous improvement in order to meet and/or
exceed internal or external customer requirements and
expectation, and management; by establishing systems and
environments that support a continuous improvement culture”.
The three essentials of TQM philosophy are continuous
quality improvement, empowerment of employees and the use
of quality improvement teams. One of TQM's primary tools is
TQM is defined as both a philosophy and a set of guiding
principles that represent the foundation of a continuously