Page 55 - مراقبة_merged_Neat4فنادق ثان
P. 55
Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
Service Industry
manufactures its products, chooses its row materials, and
ultimately disposes of the product.
ISO14000 is a series of standards and guide lines
formulated in 1996 by the International Organization for
Standardization (Geneva, Switzerland), with the aim of
standardizing the environmental management programs of
industries worldwide. The core of the series is the ISO14000
standard, which pertains to implementation of EMS.
One of the greatest challenges of our age is the production
and delivery of safe food. ISO22000 will be an effective tool in
the hands of food manufacturers to produce safe foods which
comply with legal, customer and their own standards.
September 2005 is ISO's publication target for ISO22000,
the new standard for Food Safety Management Systems
(FSMS), which is intended to ensure that there are no weak
links in food supply chains.
Failure in food supply can be dangerous and cost plenty.
ISO22000 for food safety management systems is intended to
provide security by ensuring that there are no weak links in the
food supply chain. ISO22000 may apply to all types of