Page 21 - Manual FAT EU
P. 21

Manual FAT EU  2018

               Rules and                FAT EU General Management         Committee of Executives
               Regulations              (GM )                             (Comex)
               Regular meetings,        - Strategy FAT EU                 - Strategy of each PC, Sales
               Coordination within      - Economic situation FAT EU by    and Production & Production
               each PC, Sales and       Sales (Market Manager), PC        Supply Chain
               Corporate Functions      and Country                       - Economic situation FAT EU by
                                        - Following up on operational     Sales (Market Manager), PC
                                        activities                        and Country
                                        - Problem solving                 - Following up on operational
                                        - Participation in FAT EU GM      activities
                                        meeting                           - Problem solving
                                                                          - Participation in Comex meeting
               Joint Decision           - Decision on annual budget       - Proposal on annual budget
               Taking for FAT EU        FAT EU, sales, results,           FAT EU, sales, results,
                                        personnel and investment          personnel and investment
                                        - Decision on personnel hiring    - Personnel hiring (permanent
                                        (permanent positions) in FAT      positions) for FAT EU GM
                                        EU [ Decision on proposals from  - Decision on all operating
                                        sales, PC or any other            activities to ensure delivery,
                                        operational function of FAT EU    quality, new developments of
                                        - Optional: Invitation of guests   applications, products and
                                        from Group                        services to our customers
                                        - Definition of role description on  - Decision on temporary hirings
                                        management & leadership level     within budget.
                                        - Decision on training modules    - Optional: Invitation of guests
                                        for management  & leadership      from Group
                                        level (i.e. BMP) and talent       - Definition of role description on
                                        management                        management & leadership level
               Cooperation with         - Joint coordination of subjects   - Joint coordination of subjects
               other FAT EU and         for UL –Füko or FAT Excom         within FAT EU
               non-FAT EU entities      - Joint decisions for sales       - Joint decisions for customer
                                        channels out of the ordinary,     projects and internal projects out
                                        fixed rules of the Böllhoff Group   of the ordinary, fixed rules of the
                                        - Coordination of Innovation and  Böllhoff Group
                                        strategic customer development    - Coordination of Innovation and
                                        activities outside   FAT EU       strategic customer development
                                        (USA, Japan, China etc.)          activities inside and outside FAT
                                        - Coordination of Production and  EU
                                        Production Supply Chain issues    -Coordination of Production and
                                        outside of FAT EU                 Production Supply Chain issues
                                                                          inside of FAT EU
               Information to           Close coordination and            Close coordination and
               employees union          information flow with country     information flow with country
               representations and      managers.                         managers.
               stakeholders in all
               countries of FAT EU
               Table 2: Tasks of FAT EU General Management and Comex

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