Page 17 - Manual FAT EU
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Manual FAT EU 2018
3.2.11 Synchronized interfaces
Synchronized and standardized interfaces ensure less loss at the boundaries of the
core processes thanks to agreed information flow and documentation. As part of the
FAT4EU project, the interfaces were analysed, synchronized and the result was
incorporated into the FAT process landscape.
Figure 15: general interface agreements
Interface descriptions are available in the Lotus Notes data base: Working groups /
FAT4EU / Sub-projects / macro Design // 3-Interfaces
4. Commitments within the FAT EU organization
4.1 Internal Regulations FAT EU
4.1.1 Org charts and Role Descriptions
Regarding the organisational chart, those should be administrated as following:
Decentral administration of functional org. charts by regular FAT EU GM board
as official approval board for a)positions and b)persons on the Leadership
level (incl. Role Descriptions)
Decentral administration of legal org. charts by Country managers with strong
support by CHR within a central Lotus Notes database incl. maintenance of
Job Descriptions.
The list of roles, which can be released by the FAT EU GM Board only, is discussed
and agreed. In case of a new role or update on the role description, the Board’s
release is necessary.
Document in LN database FAT EU GM Meeting / strategic
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