Page 16 - Manual FAT EU
P. 16

Manual FAT EU  2018

               Corporate  HR  department  determines  the  rules  and  requirements  for  remote
               managers and their cooperation with Country managers. The contents are imparted
               by CHR in a training course and are adapted to the current requirements within the
               framework of a regular exchange of the remote managers.

                The documents are available on the common FAT drive B: / FATEU / _Management

               3.2.9. Controlling structure and performing indicators

               With the structure of the Product Centers, the financial results
               of  a  legal  entity  take  a  back  seat  and  European  key  figures,
               uniform  controlling  processes  and  coordinated  budgeting
               processes  are  gaining  in  importance.  The  focus  is  on  the
               results  of  individual  market  segments  and  product  groups  as
               well as overall PC result. The new controlling structure looks at

               these  three  perspectives  of  the  figures  of  the  European  Figure 13: Controlling
               companies.                                                            perspectives

               Each Product Center has it’s own controller, who reports to the FAT EU controller.
               The  Sales  controlling  is  carried  out  for  Fasteners  and  Automation  together  and  is
               lead by Head of European Sales.

               Figure 14: FAT EU Sales Controlling structure

               3.2.10. Customer Logistics

               The  “Customer  logistics”  is  responsible  for  delivery  of  goods  from  “ramp”  to  the
               customers. This general function as well as interfaces and organization have been
               clarified within the FAT4EU project. The logistics processes will be defined within a
               European Concept by Logistics, in light of the current projects Logistics in BOF and
               FSS  LOG2020.  Packaging  and  labelling  activites  are  under  the  Customer  Logistic
               responsibility nevertheless, for productivity reason (automatic packaging after sorting
               for exemple) , they could be handle in the Black area if it make sens.

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