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These three sons gave rise to their own lineages (Gago-
Crédit Photo / CIT Bobenou, Piwari-Bobenou and Kounga-Bobenou) which
alternately succeed each other today on the throne
following the same pattern. Each ruler is assisted by five
provincial kings who serve as guardians and custodians
of customary land rights.
The current king of Bouna is his Majesty Dj Arakoroni II,
whose name in the civil state is Ouattara Hinissie and
was inducted on November 8, 2009.
Mosquée centenaire de bouna
The first natives of the region were the Koulango, whose
ancestors were the Lorhons who were Voltaics that
Peuplement arrived more than 2000 years ago. Originally animists,
the Koulango eventually converted to Islam. The second
Les premiers autochtones de la région sont les Koulango, wave of arrivals were the Malinkés (composed of the
dont les ancêtres sont les Lorhons, voltaïques arrivés il families Kamara, Diabagaté, Ouattara, Coulibaly, Cisse,
y a plus de 2000 ans. A l`origine animistes, les Koulango Bamba, ...) who, because of their commercial activities,
se sont par la suite convertis à l’islam. La deuxième opted for urban life and lived in perfect harmony with the
vague d’arrivants est celle des Malinkés (composés des Koulango who were landowners. The Lobi (the families of
familles Kamara, Diabagaté, Ouattara, Coulibaly, Cissé, Kambire, Hien, Kambou, Pale, Som, Noufé, Sib, Dah, ...)
Bamba, …) qui, du fait de leurs activités commerciales, were the last community to arrive in the kingdom from
optent pour la vie urbaine et vivent en parfaite entente Burkina Faso and Ghana. The Lobi were an self-ruling
avec les Koulango, propriétaires terriens. Les Lobi society, without a centralized organization like that of the
(familles Kambiré, Hien, Kambou, Palé, Som, Noufé, Sib, Koulangos. The Koulango royalty were the customary
Dah, …) sont la dernière communauté à arriver dans le landowners but increasingly accepted that the Lobis
royaume, venant du Burkina Faso et du Ghana. Ce sont encampments could be established as fully functioning
des sociétés acéphales, sans organisation centralisée villages.
comme celle des Koulangos. Les Koulango, détenteurs
de la royauté, sont les propriétaires terriens coutumiers Invasions
mais acceptent de plus en plus que les campements
Lobis soient érigés en villages de plein exercice. The Kingdom of Bouna signed alliances with the Ashanti
Kingdom, however, the kingdom suffered from waves of
Invasions invasions. Perhaps the most important of these was that
of Abrons, who were fleeing the supremacy of the Ashanti,
Le Royaume de Bouna signe des alliances avec le and brought the influence of the Akan culture into the
royaume Ashanti. Cependant, le royaume subit des southern part of the kingdom. Other invaders were the
vagues d’envahissements dont la plus importante est troops of Samory Toure who, led by his son Saranké Mory,
celle des Abrons qui fuient la suprématie des Ashanti et raided nearly 80% of the villages of the kingdom in 1896.
explique l’influence de la culture Akan dans la partie sud Shortly after, the French colonial army arrived.
du royaume. D’autres envahisseurs sont les troupes de
Samory Touré qui, conduites par son fils Saranké Mory, Economy
razzient en 1896 près de 80 % des villages du royaume.
Arrivera peu après l’armée coloniale française. Bouna’s economy is essentially based on agriculture. The
main cash crops are cotton, cashew nuts and shea nuts.
Economie The food crops are yams, maize, oats, sorghum, lowland
rice, beans and locust beans. Livestock, especially cattle,
L’économie de Bouna est essentiellement basée sur is the other pillar of the economy.
l’agriculture. Les principales cultures de rente sont le The damage caused to crops by grazing herds is quite
coton, la noix de cajou et la noix de karité. Les cultures frequent and is regulated by the negotiation, although
vivrières sont l’igname, le maïs, le mil, le sorgho, le riz deadly clashes between farmers and herders have
de bas fond, le haricot et le néré. L’élevage, bovin surtout, occurred as a result of this damage. On Sunday, Bouna
est l’autre pilier de l’économie. market is particularly lively, with vendors and buyers
coming from all the surrounding villages (Téhini, Doropo,
Dabakala, Korhogo and Ferkessédougou) and even
Burkina-Faso and Ghana.