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The Beat

                                               CENTRAL EXECUTIVE

                                Mr. Patrae K Rowe                            Miss Tameca Thomas
                                LLB, A.Sc (Hons)                              B.Sc Ed (Hons), Dip. Ed
                                Detective Sergeant                           Detective Constable
                                Chairman                                     General Secretary

                                              Directorship Responsibilities

            Our Directorship is determined by the strategic
            direction of the Police Federation in accordance with                   Miss Blanche Codner
            our long and short term goals and objectives. In                        B.Sc. (cum laude), A.Sc
            assessing the needs of our members our Directorship                     Inspector of Police
            were clearly crafted to respond to these needs.                         Executive Member
            Members are not impressed by elaborate titles but                       Director of Accounts &
            are more concerned with the outcome of our stew-                        Systems Control
            ardship in our given portfolio responsibilities.
                                                               –    Ensure proper accounting systems
                                Miss Jacqueline Brown,  BA     –    Ensure compliance with International Standards
                                (Hons) MC, Dip (Hons) MC, Dip  –    Advise the General secretary & Committee on
                                Pub Rel, Dip CGC                   investments and accounting options
                                Inspector of Police            –    Advise on accounting programs to ensure greater
                                Executive Member                   efficiency
                                Director of Communication,     –    Ensure staff compliance with best fit accounting
                                Innovation & Gender Affairs         practices
                                                               –    Monitor the Welfare Fund and Federation Payment
                                                                   Projections in an effort for cheques to be prepared
            Communication                                          on time
            -  Craft strategy for effective Communication.     Systems Control
            -  Write Official Messages and Press Releases      –    Ensure the structures within the Police Federation are
            -  Advise Committee on communication strategies.       working and benefits our members.
            -  Advise Chairman and General Secretary on media  –    Advise committee on administrative and operation
               engagement and interview preparation.               efficiency
            –    Advise committee on transformational strategies to
               inform the transformation of the   Federation.
            –    Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relations               Mr. David Bogle
                                                                                    LLB (Hons), BSc
               between the organization and the public.
            –    Encourage stakeholder participation and partnership                Sergeant of Police
            Gender Affairs                                                          Director of Legal Affairs
            –    Sensitize and educate members on Gender roles and
            –    Address gender discrimination and implement mean-  –  Advise Committee on legal issues and provide legal
               ingful changes to impact members’ lives             insight.
            –    Conduct workshops and seminar that will impact  –  Respond to the legal needs of our members and
               gender awareness                                    provide legal support to members charged.

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