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The Beat

            Assistant Superintendent  Wilson.  Assistant        their assets.  By virtue of section 41(2)(b) of the Act
            Superintendent Wilson has comprehensive knowl-      all members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force are
            edge of welfare matters and can be deemed an        required to declare their assets and liabilities as
            expert in the field.                                same was placed in the Jamaica Gazette on January
                                                                18, 2019.
            Fast forward to August 2, 2019, Commissioner
            Anderson handed over eight buses to the Police      The March 2018 judgement by the Court of Appeal
            Federation. This was not only historical but served  that INDECOM’s powers are limited to investiga-
            as a reminder that the welfare of the foot soldiers is  tions and its officers have no powers of arrest,
            of paramount importance to the success of our       charge or prosecution has resulted in the agency
            organization. We are now the proud managers of      appealing the decision to the United Kingdom’s
            nine buses, which are utilized for the transportation  Privy Council.   The Jamaica Police Federation
            of members in Kingston and Saint Andrew, Saint      continues to monitor the situation and will have
            Catherine and Saint James.  Our hope is to have     legal representation in this matter.
            buses throughout the 19 geographic locations and
            formations.                                         The Jamaica Police Federation continues to repre-
                                                                sent members at Courts of Enquiry and Orderly
                                                                Rooms sittings.   Also, we continue to engage
            Training                                            lawyers to represent members in criminal matters.
            One of the Strategic Priorities of the Police       The Federation does not support indiscipline,
            Federation is to improve our customer service inter-  however, we believe in due process and natural
            nally and externally. The Federation in collabo-    justice.
            ration with the Management Institute of National
            Development (MIND) hosted customer service          There will be an Advocacy Seminar to be conducted
            training seminars on July 6, and August 17, 2019.   through the Norman Manley Law School for
            In addition, following several complaints from our  members to be trained to represent Rank & File
            membership in respect to issues concerning the      members at Courts of Enquiry and Orderly Room
            Firearm Licensing  Authority (FLA), the Police      as well as a refresher course for those who were
            Federation led by the Director of  Training,        previously trained.
            Detective Constable Nigel Murphy hosted a rap
            session “Let’s talk Firearms” on July 2, 2019, at the  Welfare Matters
            Police Officers Club. Next session will be held on  On the matter of welfare, the Police Federation
            Thursday the 19th of September at the Freeport      continue to be a beacon in this regard. We have
            Police Station, Saint James. Several training       assisted members in financial need, members who
            sessions and workshops will be held during the      are ill and in need of help following disasters.
            Federation year 2019-2020.                          Whether it be night or day the welfare director
                                                                Corporal James or a member of the team is present
                                                                to lend support. We must publicly say thank you to
            Legal                                               some of our hard working delegates and branch
            The legal portfolio at the Jamaica Police Federation  board members who are the extension of the Central
            is very critical to the overall operations.  As such,  Executive. There would be no Federation without
            most of the matters that are brought to the attention  you, we are eternally grateful.
            of the Jamaica Police Federation touch and concern
            laws and legal issues.  Example, the issue of the
            Integrity Commission Act, 2017 which would have
            stated that public officers must earn a particular sum
            for emoluments before they are required to declare

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