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The Beat

            Q          What of the Forty Hour  Week? In         charge Administration following lengthy dialogue

                       order to have an established ‘Forty
                                                                on the matter. We are now awaiting the decision by
                       Hour Week’ and subsequent payment        the High Command.
            for overtime, the Ministry of National Security and
            the Jamaica Constabulary Force have committed to
            purchasing the necessary software that will adequ-  Q           We are not comfortable with the
            ately deal with the scheduling of officers. We note             Examination Policies and the
            the length of time that this urgent matter is taking            Examination Secretariat.  What is
            as this was an item in our signed Heads of          the Central Executive doing in this regard?
            Agreement in 2008. In the meantime, we implore      We have had several meetings with Deputy
            our sub-officers to be guided by the Force Orders   Commissioner of Police in charge Administration
            publication.                                        and outlined the issues associated with the
                                                                Promotional Examinations. Several suggestions by
            Q           What of the Contingent Loan from        the Federation were accepted to be implemented in

                                                                the next cycle. We are relentless in this matter.
                        the recently concluded Heads of
            The amount of forty million ($40 m) is to be
            provided as a one off grant for the establishment of  Q        What of the building owned by the
            a contingent revolving loan. The Federation met                Police Federation at White Church
            with the Jamaica Cooperative Credit Union League
                                                                           Street, Downtown Kingston?
            and drafted a proposal outlining the modalities for
                                                                We met with the Kingston and Saint  Andrew
            the administration and disbursement of loans. We
                                                                Cooperation to have the structure demolished as it
            have communicated subsequently with the Ministry
                                                                poses a threat to the safety of persons. We have also
            of Finance on several occasions to have this matter
                                                                met with several financial institutions to look at a
                                                                proposed headquarters for the Police Federation.
                                                                We have also had dialogue with the Minister of
            Q          What of the Income Replacement           National Security for the allocation of grant funding
                                                                in this regard.
                       Fund? The income replacement Fund
                       is active and is currently satisfying the
            needs of our members who are on Interdiction and    Q          What of the increase as was decided
            Suspension.                                                    by the 76th  Annual Joint Central
                                                                           Conferences to have the Central
            Q          What of the persons who were             Executive increase the Home Improvement

                                                                Loan? We did our due diligence and looked at the
                       acquitted in court and have been
                       waiting for long periods to be           monthly activity of the loan portfolio and the cost
                                                                of material and was guided by the findings. We
            reinstated?                                         have worked out three tranches; existing $100,000,
            We consulted with all Divisions and Formation       $150,000 and the maximum of $200,000. Please
            within the organization and compiled a list which   note that the sum lent will be subjected to availabil-
            we submitted to Deputy Commissioner of Police in    ity and affordability.

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