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The Beat

            Q          Why can’t there be an automatic roll     Q          What of the rewording of the
                                                                           Publication regarding the Forty
                       over of vacation leave? Over the years
                                                                           Hour Work Week?
                       we have lobbied for there to be an auto-  The Commissioner stated that in his view the word-
            matic roll over of vacation leave, it is one of the  ing categorically states that no rank and file
            matters the Federation believes should be given     member should work more than fifty hours per
            serious consideration and so we are on a relentless  week.
            drive to see this happening.

            Q          Why do members wait for long             Q          Will the Federation be seeking a

                       periods to be paid meal allowance?
                                                                           Judicial Review regarding the deci-
                       The Police Federation met with the                  sion of the organization to dismiss
            Jamaica Constabulary Force Human Resource           persons after they have resigned? We have met
            Department and discussed several issues affecting   with our attorneys on the matter and are exploring
            our membership.  We are hoping to see marked        the way forward. Our attorneys have not completed
            changes in this regards.                            their research and so we await their findings.
                                                                However, we are reminded that a member has the
            Q          What of Ethics Committee for             which would include special consideration for
                                                                option of applying for the four weeks’ window

                                                                circumstances beyond the members control (excep-
                       persons who were successful in the
                       last Examination?                        tional cases). Reference Force Orders 3662 dated
            Persons deemed to have outstanding ethical issues   August 10th, 2017.
            were advised that they should appear before the
            ethics committee. We have lobbied strongly for this  We asked that members also read section five of the
            to be done, however to date we are still waiting.   Constabulary Force Act which has been Amended.
                                                                The Second Schedule on page 19, shows the
            Q          What of payment for persons who          Reform (Zones of Special Operations) Special
                                                                Amendments to other sections of the Act. The Law

                       were successful and were not
                                                                Security and Community Development Measures)
                       promoted in the last Examination         Act, 2017 was used to increase the Penalty. We are
            and were published?                                 not in agreement and will find the best option in this
            After successfully negotiating for payments to be   case for our members.
            made after passing the Promotional Examinations,
            a Force Orders publication was done.  To our
            displeasure the payment to our members is still
            outstanding.  The High Command stated that the      Q          What of the code of conduct for the
            issue they were having is there will not be equity             WhatsApp groups? We must apolo-
            on how to administer payment to benefit persons                gize to our membership for stating that
            who were being paid seniority and where on the      we would have published the code of conduct and
            salary scale would they fall.  At our last meeting  unfortunately this has not been done. A code of
            with the Commissioner, he instructed that members   conduct for the various chat groups was in fact
            should be paid on the principle that they should not  written and tabled for ratification at the Central
            be placed in a worse position after payment. With   Committee. This code of conduct was predicated on
            this instruction, we were assured that Finance      rules governing the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
            Branch will process payment soon.                   However, after careful analysis and consultation,
                                                                we learnt that WhatsApp Chatrooms are a part of

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