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The Beat

                                           Strategic Priorities

                   lative changes to ensure greater efficiency.     –  Ensure that the laws and policies of the
                   eg. Book of rules etc                               force are what inform decisions and not
                –  Rely on court action for areas which are            subjective views.
                   frustrated and negotiations are exhausted.       –  Assess training needs and engage robust
                –  Identify cases for judicial review and              training program.
                   advance court action.
                –  Secure legal opinion on contentious issues   6. Transformation        through       Effective
            4. Institutionalize welfare through Force               –  Engage the best use of technology to ensure
                Transformation                                         efficient and effective communication
                –  Take proactive steps to ensure that              –  Know our target audiences and ensure the
                   members benefit from force transformation.          best medium of communication
                –  Ensure that long awaited institutional and       –  Conduct Pre and Post-tests to have sustain-
                   administrative changes are achieved                 able and measurable outcomes
                   through force transformation.
                                                                7. Transformation Through Expansion
            5. Transformation through Force Efficiency              –  Take steps to explore proprietary work in
                –  Strong advocacy against mismanagement               advancing work on land owned by the
                   of human and physical resources by                  Police Federation.
                   managers.                                        –  Explore and advance investment options
                –  Ensure members are detailed and worked              through the acquisition of assets.
                   only for hours paid.                             –  Assess the utility of decentralization and
                –  Ensure that the administration of benefits          effect the most feasible options after
                   are not punitive                                    consultation and research.

                     EDITOR’S NOTE

                     It has been a long road since the last newsletter was  published by the Jamaica Police
                     Federation.  In March 1976 this newsletter was called the “Federal.”  It is now forty-
                     three years later and we are revisiting this avenue for sharing information with our
                     members.  We do hope you enjoy the new incarnation of  “The Beat”. We would love to
                     hear from you as your input is of paramount importance to us. Let us know what you
                     would like to see included in upcoming issues and we will make sure that “The Beat”
                     keeps the the pulse of the Federation.

                     Until next Quarter, One Love, Serving our Protectors.

                     Jacqueline Brown, Inspector
                     Director Communication.

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