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The Beat
– Initiate legal systems to ensuring efficiency in Research
response to our members legal needs. – Ensure that areas that are novel are researched and
– Assign cases to attorneys and court of enquiry repre- a report submitted to Committee.
sentative as a delegator authority subject to the deci- – Research areas that will advance the transforma-
sion of General Secretary and/or chairman. tional and strategic direction of the Federation
– Provide support to members who are charged – Conduct needs analysis of the Federations cohort
– Attend Court and give feedback on matters to and relevant researches
Central Committee – Liaise with other Directors to gain insights about
areas of difficulties that warrants research
– Directed by Committee to unearth best practises and
areas relating to members’ welfare.
Mr Rohan James – Research matters affecting members which could be
Corporal of Police corrected through training
Director of Welfare Documentation
– Ensure that important documents concerning the
Police Federation are properly stored.
– Ensure that important information regarding the
– Respond immediately to members in distress or
Police Federation is documented
– Develop archives in respect to the history of the
– Respond immediately to the needs of our members
Police Federation
in accordance with section 67 of the Constabulary
– Archive Court Rulings in relations to the Police
Force Act. Where there is a breach of Principle,
response must be activated.
– Collate all governance of the Police Federation and
– Assess and bring to the attention of committee all
outline where found
matters concerns working conditions and conditions
of service.
– Liaise with the Jamaica Constabulary Force Welfare
Mr. Nigel Murphy
– Create partnerships with Senior Medical Officers
Asc, Dip Agr
and Institutions locally and abroad
Detective Constable
– Identify areas that affects wellness and report to
Director of Training
Central Committee for action
– Provide weekly update on the status of member’s
sick at home and in hospital to Central Committee
– Directed by Committee and its leadership on train-
– Maintain weekly dialogue with Medical Service
ing initiatives.
Branch and Convalescent Centre. – Initiate Partnership on training and craft training
– Identify and submit to Committee, for ratification based on training needs.
names of Outreach Welfare Officers in each – Utilize tools to assess training needs with a view to
Division respond to these needs.
– Develop training schedule for approval at committee
and timely dissemination to our members.
Miss Arleen McBean – Execute training approved by committee in a timely
Corporal of Police and efficient manner.
Director of Research &
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