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The Beat
On the Agenda
Our Members Concerns meaningful and transparent dialogue, others must
be decided in a court of law.
There are stipulated time frames in which members
Since the installation of the new Central Committee
must apply for leave locally and abroad, the Police
on May 31, 2019, we have taken careful note of
Federation has no problems with these policies. It
several issues of concern affecting our membership
however becomes our concern when members’
and have sought to have these issues remedied.
apply within the stated time period and when they
should proceed on leave they are told the leave
These issues include but are not limited to, the
cannot be found and should apply again. We are
Forty-hour work week and hours of work,
disheartened by the growing trend and ask that sub-
Conditions of work at the Zones of Special
officers be given specific periods that a members
Operations (ZOSO), and the Enhanced Security
leave application should be kept in their possession.
Measures (ESM), extended wait for the payment of
This should be similar to the strict time frame given
Meal Allowances, Promotional Examinations,
for files to be dealt with from the Attorney
Vacation Leave and Transfers as also Lump Sum
General’s Office.
Payment and Automatic Seniority Allowances. We
also note serious disadvantages to our membership
There are still several matters outstanding from the
in respect to the New Pensions Act and the fine and
Heads of Agreement concluded between the
punishment attached to persons wishing to leave the
Government of Jamaica and the Jamaica Police
Jamaica Constabulary Force before giving six
Federation on behalf of Federated Ranks
months’ notice.
(Constables to Inspectors) 2017-2019. We are
working hard to have the matter of those outstand-
Several persons who were attached to the now
ing items resolved. We will provide timely updates
disbanded Mobile Reserve have expressed dissatis-
in these regards.
faction with their transfers as the new placement
has added financial and emotional stress.
There are no quick fixes to any of the problems that
we face, as the Constabulary Force Act continues
We are aware of the problems in respect to the
to govern the operations of the Police Federation
conditions of work and have on several occasions
and as such the rules of the Jamaica Constabulary
had dialogue with the Police High command. The
Force are what guides our operations. However, we
Central Committee wishes to place on record that
will be strident in our approach as defenders of the
we are not satisfied with the responses and will not
rights and welfare of our rank and file members.
relent until the matters are properly addressed.
Thank You Commissioner/ Federation Buses for
The new Pensions Act must be addressed in Court,
and we have taken steps to have this matter properly
adjudicated there.
The advent of Major Antony Anderson from the
Jamaica Defense Force to the Jamaica Constabulary
There has been ongoing dialogue with our Human
Force was met with much trepidation, this was short
Resource Branch to rectify the length of time taken
lived as it was soon realized that his daily mantra is
to receive benefits that are due to members.
members’ welfare. Commissioner Anderson
Members are asked to wait inordinately long
believes in welfare and created the first Welfare
periods to access benefits and queries are met with
Unit not to be confused with the Community Safety
disdain by some of those placed in position to assist.
and Security Branch in the organization headed by
Some of the matters listed can be fixed through