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The Beat
            social media and therefore more information is                 What of update on the promises
            needed on how we proceed in this regard. Please                made at Conference by the Prime
            note that technology is emerging and so we must be             Minister in respect to an upgrade in
            guided properly. We apologize for any inconven-     insurance and the refurbishing of Police
            ience caused by this delay. We must err on the side  Stations? We have written to the Honourable Prime
            of caution.                                         Minister based on the promises made to our
                                                                membership, we are yet to receive a response.
                                                                Several Police Stations are being refurbished;
            Q          What of the update on the acqui-         police stations, we have twice the number being
                                                                however, based on the lack of maintenance of

                                                                derelict and in need of urgent repairs. Again we
                       sition of Bullet Proof vests? We were
                       told by Deputy Commissioner in           have forwarded a list of all such stations and
            charge of Administration that bullet proof vests    formations.  We have taken note of Salem, Old
            were ordered and the first set was in fact distributed  Harbour, 230 Spanish Town Road, CISOCA St.
            to the police officers at the Zones of Special      Catherine North, Half way Tree, TSD St. Catherine,
            Operations and the Enhanced Security Measures.      Rollington Town, 34 Duke Street and May Pen
            Two shipments of vests have since been received     Police Station and several other facilities. This list
            and distributed since the issue was raised. We are  is not exhaustive.
            aware that more needs to be done and will continue
            to press for a total distribution to all members.

            New Headquarters site

            Site visit to the new Police Federation Headquarters  Members of the Central Committee with representa-
                                                                tives from the Kingston St. Andrew Municipal

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