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Issue 1 No 1 Quarterly Newsletter of the Jamaica Police Federation September 2019
Going Forward...
As we journey into the new Police and the Minister of
Police Federation year, National Security on all
congratulations on your re- matters affecting the
election and election and for general welfare and
being a part of this illustrious efficiency of our
team… #‘Team members. After almost 76
Federation#’ years after the formation
of the Police Federation…
We must not forget our past,
let us not simply pay lip
we must concretize our pres- service in honouring this
ent and must certainly plan right.
for our future. Lest we forget
the struggles our Detective Sergeant Patrae Rowe, Chairman Strategic Priorities
predecessors endured to
Detective Constable Tameca Thomas, 1. Transformation
make this our institution a General Secretary through Technology
viable representational entity.
– Improve the applica-
tion and filing system within the Police
Colleagues this is not the time to push the divide
Federation through the use of modern soft-
and conquer agenda. A united Federation is a strong
ware and hardware
and enviable Federation.
– Improve communication through the
When we seek to focus on “Preserving the publishing of newsletters and bulletins
Institution; Serving the Protectors,” …This does not – Create applications for effective communica-
relate only to the Federation but to the entire tion and interaction with the Police Federation.
Jamaica Constabulary Force and by extension Continued from page 1
Jamaica which ultimately benefits from all the gains
we make. 2. Transformation through Legislation and
Judicial process
In the final analysis, the mission of the Police – Sustained and advanced advocacy for legis-
Federation is to represent to the Commissioner of
Cont’d on page 4