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                                                                                                                    Hand Bag
                                                                                        November 27, 2018
                                                                                        T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                              Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            GM to lay off up to 14K workers, close as many as 5 plants

            By  TOM  KRISHER,  AP  Auto  manufacturers     continue
            Writer                       to shift away from cars to-
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  General  ward  SUVs  and  trucks.  In
            Motors will cut up to 14,000  October,  almost  65  per-
            workers  in  North  America  cent of new vehicles sold in
            and  put  five  plants  up  for  the U.S. were trucks or SUVs.
            possible closure as it aban-  That  figure  was  about  50
            dons many of its car mod-    percent cars just five years
            els  and  restructures  to  fo-  ago.  GM  is  shedding  cars
            cus  more  on  autonomous  largely  because  it  doesn’t
            and  electric  vehicles,  the  make money on them, Citi
            automaker      announced  analyst Itay Michaeli wrote
            Monday.  The  reductions  in a note to investors.
            could amount to as much  “We  estimate  sedans  op-
            as 8 percent of GM’s glob-   erate  at  a  significant  loss,
            al  workforce  of  180,000  hence the need for classic
            employees.  The  restructur-  restructuring,” he wrote.
            ing reflects changing North                               In this July 27, 2011, file photo, assembly worker Julaynne Trusel works on a Chevrolet Volt at the
                                                                      General Motors Hamtramck Assembly plant in Hamtramck, Mich.
            American auto markets as             Continued on Page 3                                                                       Associated Press.
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