Page 14 - RFDS - What is it like
P. 14
My name is Freya and I
am 10 years old. This is my
place. I was born in New
South Wales, then we lived in
Queensland, then back to
New South Wales, then to
Victoria, then to New South
Wales and finally back to
I have two cats named Harry and Mittens. Harry is black all over and Mittens is black and white.
I take swimming lessons after school. Swimming is my favourite sport. I also do karate on
Saturday mornings.
I have four friends. Their names are Torah, Sienna, Indi and Malhi. I have 12 siblings. There are
six females and six males. My sister’s names are Allora (the youngest, she is only one year old),
Holli (about my age but younger), Bella and India (teenagers), Melanie and Cloe (adults). My
brother’s names are Malachi, Zac, Alex, Cameron, Kyle and Kaelyn. Out of all my siblings, I only
live with two of them, Malachi and Zac. I have never met Bella. Bella and India are twins. They
live in England and are 16 years old. They share a birthday with Malachi he is 12.
I am not sure what I want to
do when I grow up, but now,
it is either study gems or
work in a zoo. I really like
animals. My dad has always
had heaps of gems and
rocks and I like them too.
This year during lock down, I missed school and all my friends. Every time our cousins were
coming over it always got cancelled which was sad. We never ran out of toilet paper because of
our secret stashes in the shed.