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               Coming into contact with hazardous chemicals in the workplace is not uncommon.  Even though some chemicals
               may not be any more hazardous than basic household chemicals, exposure to these chemicals in the workplace
               will likely be greater, concentrations higher, and exposure time longer.  Fox Restaurant Concepts, realizing that
               potential danger of workplace chemical exposure is greater, ensures that all of their employees shall receive
               training and education in hazardous communication, providing each employee with the knowledge to work
               safely when handling hazardous chemicals.

               Fox Restaurant Concepts’ Written Hazard Communication Program will be maintained in a hard copy file in the
               General Manager’s office at each restaurant and also on the pantry, Fox Restaurant Concepts’ intranet.


               The purpose of this program is to ensure that the hazards of all chemicals purchased and used by Fox Restaurant
               Concepts’ employees are evaluated and information concerning their hazards is communicated to each
               employee.  This information will be communicated through a Hazard Communication Program, which shall

                       1) Proper container labeling and other forms of warning
                       2) Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s)
                       3) Employee training


               This Hazard Communication Program has been written to include all employees at Fox Restaurant Concepts.
               Fox Restaurant Concepts’ employees will also include any temporary or contracted employees.


               The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a regulation to assist in the control of
               chemical exposure in the workplace.  This regulation is called the Hazard Communication Standard, but is more
               commonly known as “HAZCOM” or the “Right-To-Know Law.”  It can be found at 29 CFR 1910.1200, in the
               OSHA standards for General Industry.

               Areas specifically covered in the standard include:

                       •   Hazard Determination
                       •   Written Hazard Communication Program
                       •   Labels & other Forms of Warning
                       •   Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
                       •   Employee Information & Training

        Revised February 2014                                 3
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