Page 6 - Hazard Communication_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
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               All chemicals can be specifically defined by their physical hazards.  By definitions, physical hazard means
               “a chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that falls into one of the following classes:
               1) combustible liquid, 2) compressed gas, 3) flammable, 4) organic peroxide, 5) oxidizer, 6) pyrophoric,
               7) unstable (reactive), 8) water-reactive, or 9) explosive.

                 HEALTH HAZARD

               A chemical hazard is a hazard that may cause acute or chronic health effects after exposure.  “Acute” effects
               occur rapidly as a result of short-term exposures and are of short duration.  “Chronic” effects generally occur
               as a result of long-term exposure and are of long-duration.  Some examples of chemicals, which exhibit health
               hazards, are as follows:

                       •   Carcinogens (e.g. Formaldehyde, benzene)
                       •   Toxic Agents (e.g. Insecticides, arsenic compounds, lead)
                       •   Reproductive Toxins (e.g. Nitrous oxide, arsenic, chloroform)
                       •   Irritants (e.g. Bleaches, ammonia, tobacco smoke, house cleaners)
                       •   Corrosives (e.g. Battery acid, caustic sodas)
                       •   Sensitizers (e.g. Creosote, epoxy resins)
                       •   Organic-Specific Agents (e.g. Sulfuric acid [affects skin], silica [affects lungs])

               In order to determine the class of health hazard of each chemical, the chemical label or Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
               should be consulted.


               The General Manager of each restaurant or manager delegated by the General Manager shall be responsible
               for the compliance with the Fox Restaurant Concepts’ Hazard Communication Program.


               The Hazard Communication Program details how Fox Restaurant Concepts meets the following:  standard
               requirements for labeling; SDS compliance; and employee training.
               Fox Restaurant Concepts’ written Hazard Communication Program will include:

                       •   A list of hazardous chemicals known to be present in the workplace.
                       •   How the SDS requirements are being met.
                       •   What type of labeling system is used.
                       •   Detailed information on training compliance.
                       •   Methods to be used to inform employees of the hazardous chemicals they may be exposed to while
                          conducting routine and non-routine tasks.
                       •   Methods Fox Restaurant Concepts will use to inform other employers of workers on site (e.g. service
                          representatives, repairmen, and sub-contractors).

                                                              4                                     Revised February 2014
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