Page 7 - Hazard Communication_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
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The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard has been changed to now align with the United Nations’ Globally
Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling Chemicals (GHS). The key difference in the revised standard
is that it provides a single set of harmonized criteria for classifying chemicals according to their health and
physical safety hazards as opposed to the previous standard that allowed chemical manufacturers and importers
to convey information on the labels in whatever format they chose. This revised standard, like the original one,
requires chemical manufacturers and importers to evaluate chemicals they produce or import and provide hazard
information to employers and employees. The old standard’s “Material Safety Data Sheets” (MSDS) are now
replaced by more detailed Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) as well as new labeling requirements.
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a fact sheet concerning a hazardous chemical. This fact sheet must be
developed and/or obtained by the chemical manufacturers and importers for each chemical they produce
or import. Each restaurant must maintain a SDS for each hazardous chemical they use. Each SDS shall be in
English and be readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area/s.
SDS in other languages may be used as long as each SDS is presented in English as well.
Safety Data Sheets shall contain the following information:
• Section 1: Identification
• Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification
• Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients
• Section 4: First-aid Procedures
• Section 5: Fire-fighting Measures
• Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
• Section 7: Handling and Storage
• Section 8: Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
• Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
• Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
• Section 11: Toxicological Information
• Section 12: Ecological Information
• Section 13: Disposal Considerations
• Section 14: Transport Information
• Section 15: Regulatory Information
• Section 16: Other Information, Including Date of Preparation or Last Revision
Electronic (computer) access, and other alternatives to maintaining paper copies of the SDS may be used as long
as there are no barriers to immediate employee’s access to the SDS.
The Safety Data Sheets will be maintained in the office of the General Manager at each restaurant. Both
ProClean and Shamrock SDS sheets can be found on the websites below:
Revised February 2014 5