Page 8 - Hazard Communication_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
P. 8
The General Manager or restaurant manager delegated to do so, shall be responsible in assuring that all
containers of hazardous chemicals brought into the facility have a label affixed to the container with the
following information:
• Product Identifier
• Signal Word
• Hazard Statement
• Pictograms
• Precautionary Statement
• Name, address and telephone number of chemical manufacturer, importer or other responsible party.
Fox Restaurant Concepts shall provide general information about the hazardous chemicals to all employees by
using appropriate hazard warnings and diamond-shaped pictograms with a signal word, such as “danger” to
denote hazard classes for various substances, e.g. flammable, pyrophoric, etc..
Upon transferring hazardous chemicals from the original container into portable containers, the portable
containers shall be properly labeled.
No label on any incoming containers of hazardous chemicals shall be removed of defaced.
All labels on original and portable hazardous waste containers shall be legible, in English, and prominently
displayed on the containers. Labels in other languages may be used as long as the information is presented in
English as well.
All non-legible or removed labels shall be replaced or affixed on the container immediately.
All labels on each hazardous chemical container shall correctly identify the contents inside the container.
HCS Pictograms and Hazards
Health Hazard Flame Exclamation Mark
• Carcinogen • Flammables • Irritant (skin and eye)
• Mutagenicity • Pyrophorics • Skin Sensitizer
• Reproductive Toxicity • Self-Heating • Acute Toxicity
• Respiratory Sensitizer • Emits Flammable Gas • Narcotic Effects
• Target Organ Toxicity • Self-Reactives • Respiratory Tract Irritant
• Aspiration Toxicity • Organic Peroxides • Hazardous to Ozone Layer
Gas Cylinder Corrosion Exploding Bomb
• Gases Under Pressure • Skin Corrosion/Burns • Explosives
• Eye Damage • Self-Reactives
• Corrosive to Metals • Organic Peroxides
6 Revised February 2014