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In actual practice, however, require going through a process When instead opting for commercial
increased efficacy in distribution of peer review. Once published, publication, a commendable
is not necessarily the subsequent such books are not necessarily procedure would be to waive
outcome. Publications for free reviewed by those competent in royalties. Often publishers who do
distribution are notoriously the same field. As a net result, some not have to pay royalties will be
difficult to get. Once they do publications for free distribution willing to grant the right to put a
become available in the course of can be of bad quality. pdf version of the book on one’s
some event or other, there can be personal website after it has been
a tendency to grab one or more This is of course not invariably the published, perhaps two or three
copies even without having a real case, as material made available for years later. Such a way of publishing
interest in its content, as a result of free can be remarkably profound would combine free availability
which the book(s) may just end up and beautifully produced, and some (at least of the pdf version) with
accumulating dust in the corner of a books by commercial publishers the advantages of peer review, a
bookshelf. can be rather disconcerting. distribution system, and copy-
Nevertheless, there seems to be editing that come with a commercial
The problem of accessibility also a tendency for free distribution publication. Moreover, it would offer
affects authorship of publications publications to be of lower quality. Buddhist laypersons an opportunity
for free distribution, as successfully to engage in right livelihood by
employing this avenue requires, In the present age of information, the working for a Buddhist publisher.
besides securing donorship for the key question for a potential reader In sum, such a procedure could
printing, implementing a network is often where best to invest the offer a way of making the Dhamma
for distribution. Without the latter, limited reading time available. The available that has an appeal due to
the book in question will only be chief problem is not just finding out its professionalism and efficiency.
briefly accessible to those who about the existence of a publication
happened to be around when and on a certain topic, which with free The proposed conclusion is not
where it came out and will soon fall distribution publications is not meant to dismiss publication for
into obscurity. always easy, but much rather making free distribution. The point is only
the right choice when confronted to suggest that there can be reasons
A related issue is that holding a with the staggering wealth of for opting instead for commercial
high administrative position in a alternative sources of information publication.
Buddhist organization or monastery that are available. This makes
The Teaching to King
makes it considerably easier to publications for free distribution
publish for free distribution. In considerably less appealing, unless
other words, the key requirement one knows the author already very The central question that remains,
to become a successful author is well, simply because probabilities however, is how far commercial
not necessarily erudition or depth are higher that the content may not publication conflicts with the spirit
of practice, but much rather the really be worth one’s time. of the Dhamma. Of considerable
ability to inspire donors for print relevance to this issue is a Pāli
runs and volunteers for setting up Of course, the situation discourse, according to which
distribution networks. varies according to individual a teaching given by the Buddha
circumstances and requirements. became an occasion for payment.
Besides, manuscripts that have Particularly in a traditional The episode in question begins with
been submitted to professional Buddhist country, free distribution King Pasenadi visiting the Buddha.
publishers and then rejected may turn out to be the preferable Realizing that the king was suffering
can always be put out for free option. The point is only that this is from overeating, the Buddha
distribution, as this does not not necessarily the case. decided to give him a teaching: