Page 11 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course Chp.2 Manual
P. 11

o  Latitudes describe your position as how far North or South of the equator,
                              latitudes are parallel to each other hence also called parallels. The equator is
                              zero degrees,
                          o  Longitudes describe your position as to how far West or East of the prime
                              meridian. Meridians or longitudes converge at the North and South poles
                   •  Let’s look at figure 26, see if we can figure out Lat / Long for Cooperstown Airport.
                          o  First of all find a line of latitude near the airport, there is a line just north of the
                              airport but there is no number on it so go down to the next line of latitude
                                  ▪  And there is a 47 degrees
                                         •  On a Sectional Chart the lines of latitude are shown every half a
                                            degree or 30 minutes
                                         •  So we know the line N of the airport is 47 degrees and 30 minutes
                                                o  Latitude is measured from the equator so as we go further
                                                   north the numbers get bigger
                                  ▪  Now all we have to do is count up from the 47 degree line
                                         •  Each tick mark is 1/60   of a degree, or 1 minute
                                         •  The major tick marks are 10 minutes
                                  ▪  So we get 47 degrees and 26 minutes north as the latitude for
                          o  Now let’s figure out the longitude
                                  ▪  The line of longitude just east of Cooperstown in labeled 98 degrees
                                  ▪  Since longitudes are measured from the Prime Meridian the numbers get
                                     bigger as we go West (since Prime Meridian is zero)
                                  ▪  Each tick mark is 1 minute so we get 6 minutes west
                                         •  So the longitude for Cooperstown is 98 degrees and 6 min. west
                          o  We normally say the latitude first and then the longitude
                          o  So the Cooperstown airport is located at 47 degrees 26 minutes north and 98
                              degrees and 6 minutes west.

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