Page 6 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course Chp.2 Manual
P. 6
o Class D (Delta): Class D airspace is normally a 4NM radius imaginary cylinder,
normally extending up to 2,500 feet, these dimension can different at different
Class D airports. Class D is shown on the charts as segmented (dotted) blue line
and the height is shown in a blue box.
o Class E (Echo): Class E airspace has a floor of 1,200 AGL (Above Ground Level) or
700 feet AGL and extends up to 18,000 feet (not including 18,000 feet). The floor
of Class E airspace is shown as magenta shading, fuzzy side of magenta going
down to 700 ft. AGL whereas sharp side of magenta shading shows the class E
floor up to 1,200 ft. AGL.