Page 7 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course Chp.2 Manual
P. 7

o  Victor Airways shown on the chart are Class E airspace and are 8 NM
                                     wide i.e. 4 NM each side of centerline and extending up to but not
                                     including 18,000  feet (i.e. 17,999  feet)
                          o  Class G (Golf): Class G airspace is airspace within which ATC has neither the
                              authority nor responsibility over air traffic. Class G airspace typically extends
                              from the surface to 700 or 1,200 feet above (under Class E). In some parts of US
                              mainly western US and Alaska, Class G can extend up to 14,500  feet.

                          o  Prohibited Areas: are blocks of airspace within which flight of aircrafts is
                              permanently prohibited, examples are the White House and the Capital Building.
                          o  Restricted Areas: are the areas where unusual often invisible hazards to aircrafts
                              exist, such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery or guided missiles. Entry into
                              restricted airspace is not authorized without permission from the controlling
                              authority. These areas are shown on the chart outlined by blue hash markings
                              and an R XXXX number.

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