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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
October 2019 Volume 46 Issue 2
Message from President Brown
Greetings Sorors!
As we settle into the new sororal year, let us take time to prepare ourselves for a
full calendar of programs and events. We are in the middle of a great amount of
political activity in our city and will soon embark upon preparation for the 2020
election cycle. Voter registration, education and engagement are pillars in Delta Inside
Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and each of us must invest our time and tal- The Torch
ents to ensure that every vote counts. We are on the cusp of a history making 3-4
Chaplain’s Corner
election in our city and I am asking sorors to support the chapter’s “get out the
vote” (GOTV) efforts. Thanks to the members that supported the National Voter
Registration Day by registering students at local high schools. I encourage each of Fall into Balance 5
you to share the following phone number to family, friends, neighbors, and church
members to schedule a ride to the polls for the October 8th mayoral runoff 6-9
2019 C.L.A.S.S.
election – 334-625-0758. It is our desire to increase the voter turnout from the Leadership
dismal 31% to at least 40% and we need your help to get the word out. Thank you Conference
in advance for supporting this major effort!
Sorors in the
The Community Outreach committee has released its schedule of activities and is Spotlight 10
seeking the support of chapter members to be successful in our outreach
initiatives. It is not too late to support TEAM DST-MAC for the Making Strides #DELTACARE 11
Against Breast Cancer Walk. Please click here TEAM DST-MAC to join or Courtesies 12
donate to the team. We are about half way in meeting our goal of $3000. Drivers
are needed for the Meals on Wheels delivery on Fridays. If you have an hour to Birthdays 13
donate to this worthy cause, please contact the committee to sign up for the
delivery services. Workshops at the Exodus Community will begin in October Upcoming Events 14-15
and participation in the Sheriff’s Office’s annual Spooktacular is on the calendar
for October 31, 2019. Donations of healthy snacks to distribute during 16
Dates to
Spooktacular will be accepted through October 29, 2019. Remember
The Signature Programs and Community Education committees collaborated re- Cluster 17
cently to execute the seventh installment of the C.L.A.S.S. Leadership Confer-
ence, where we create leaders aspiring in scholarship and service. The partici-
pants of the Delta Academy, Delta GEMS and EMBODI were joined by partici- Special points of interest:
pants of the Omega Sparks (Sigma Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.) • 2019 C.L.A.S.S.
and students of Valiant Cross Academy in a full day of leadership training. The Leadership Conference
theme of this year’s conference, “Creating the Blueprint to Leave an Imprint,”
provided the participants the opportunity to layout the plan for future success. The • Making Strides Against
Community Education committee presented a panel discussion with parents of the Breast Cancer
participants as a kickoff to the committee’s Parent Academy initiative. Parents • Spooktacular
were provided with valuable information from a dynamic panel of professionals.