Page 3 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
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Chaplain’s Corner                       thank God you made it another day.
                        “A FRESH START”                           In spite  of YOU, the Lord has been a keeper

                                                                  and has given you a new day. We must be our
             What We Missed in the September Newsletter
                                                                  sister’s keeper and allow one another a fresh
                          Chaplain’s Corner                       start. A fresh start that does not hold what I
                             Submitted by                         did in the past against me. A fresh start that
                  Soror Catrina Waters, Chaplain                  says,  My  Sister  you  have  a  clean  slate  and
                                                                  thank God I do too. A fresh start that says, My

                              Hello Sorors!                       Sister, you don’t have to carry the load alone.
                                                                  I know someone who can carry your load and
                              We  have  one  Sorority             I can walk with you through it. A fresh start
                              meeting  in  the  books  for        that says, Lord, forgive me. Then the Lord will
                              2019-2020.  What  a  bless-         respond I forgive you. A fresh start that says,

                              ing it was to see so many of        Lord, help me to forgive My Sister as you have
                              my  beautiful  Sisters  gath-       forgiven me. I am talking about a fresh start.
                              ered  together  as  we  con-        Sorors, let's strive to have more Love in our
                              ducted    Delta    business.        hearts,  Joy  in  our  Sisterhood,  and  Service  in
                              Your presence to me spoke           our  hands  and  feet.  Remember,  today  is  a
           volumes. Your presence says, "there is work            good day to start all over again.
           to  do,  so  count  me  in."  Yes,  that is  what  we
           need as we seek to serve God and work TO-              Let  us  pray:    Father, thank you for allowing
           GETHER  to  positively  impact  our  communi-          me  to  see  a  new  day.  To  have  a  fresh  start.
           ties.                                                  Lord, help me to be the best Christian I can be.
                                                                  Help me to be a good Delta that our Founders
           As I reflected on  this  message, the  words to        would be proud to call Soror. Let us make this
           Israel  Houghton's  song  entitled,  “New  Sea-        Sororal  year  better  and  more  impactful  be-
           son” came to mind. The first stanza says “It's         cause of my commitment and my love for DST.
           a new season it's a new day. A fresh anointing         In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!

           is flowing my way. It's a season of power and
           prosperity. It's a new season coming to me.”           NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you.
           What a blessing to experience, live in a new           We are praying for you and with you. We in-
           day. A day that was not promised to us, but a          vite you to join us on the third Wednesday of
           day God saw fit to let us see. Thank you, Lord!        the month at 6:00  – 6:15A.M., for the  “What
                                                                  happens when Sisters pray”  prayer  call.    It’s  a
           As we approach this Sororal year, many of us           time of devotion, prayer, and refreshing for a
           come to the table ready to work, but already           new  day.  Connect  with  us  as  we  bombard
           tired,  maybe  feeling  overwhelmed,  dealing          Heaven  on  behalf  of  others,  our  community,
           with  past  hurts,  disappointments,  dealing          our chapter, our Sorority, each other and our-
           with  the  challenges  of  life,  or  even  dealing    selves.  Remember,  God  hears  us  when  we
           with  unforgiveness.  Yet,  as  I  said  before,       pray.
           "Today, is a good day to start all over again."
                                                                           2019 PRAYER CALL DATES:
           We  all  need  a  fresh  start.  The  bible  tells  us         October 16  Δ November 20
           that  mercies  are  new  every  morning.  If  you                     Δ December 18
           are reading this, take a praise break, and just                 Prayer Line: 515-603-4901
                                                                           Participant Code: 759781#
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