Page 4 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
P. 4

Chaplain’s Corner                    states, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith
                   “The Whole Armor of God”                      without wavering; (for he is faithful that prom-
                                                                 ised…).”  Ephesians 6:18, “Praying always with
                          OCTOBER 2019                           prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watch-
                 Submitted by Soror Robyn Lindsey                ing thereunto with all perseverance and supplica-
                          Chaplain Council
                                                                 tion for all saints.” That simply means that what-
                                                                 ever comes our way we must have faith that of a
                              Ephesians 6:10 -11 states,”        mustard seed! The more we call on the name of
                              Finally, my brethren, be           JESUS, He will give us unshakeable faith and en-
                              strong in the Lord, and in the     durance to run this race.

                              power of his might. Put on the     We have to be alert, have our defenses up and
                              whole armour of God, that ye       launch a full-blown attack to send the enemy
                              may be able to stand against
                              the wiles of the devil.” (KJV)     running! If we are wearing the whole armor of
                                                                 God, we cannot be slack or indifferent to the
                                                                 problems that may come our way. We must an-
         Hello Sorors! Whether you are single, married,          ticipate the attack, stay woke and be ever
         divorced, engaged, looking, no children, one            soooooo vigilant!

         child, thirteen children, old, young, seasoned,         Remember, my sisters, when we put on the whole
         rich or poor, we all have had to deal with vices        armor of God, we are dressing in our finest: The
         and strongholds in our lives that seem impossi-         Helmet of Salvation, The Shield of Truth, The
         ble. Once a woman wakes in the morning and              Breastplate of Righteous, The Belt of Truth, The
         puts on the whole spiritual armor of God, she can
                                                                 Sword of the Spirit, and The Gospel of Peace.
         and will be victorious. And because we worship
         the true and living God, the enemy “shall” flee.           If God be for us, who can be against us?
         And we know that “shall” is simply a guarantee          NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you. We
         that God NEVER fails.                                   are praying for you and with you. We invite you
                                                                 to join us on the third Wednesday of the month
         We have had to face some situations or problems
         that we wanted to throw every white towel in.           at 6:00 – 6:15A.M., for the “What happens when
         “Throw in the towel” means to give up on some           Sisters pray” prayer call.  It’s a time of devotion,
         endeavor; to quit or abandon something; to ad-          prayer, and refreshing for a new day. Connect
                                                                 with us as we bombard Heaven on behalf of oth-
         mit defeat or failure. There are many times when        ers, our community, our chapter, our Sorority,
         we have felt completely powerless. We get so            each other and ourselves. Remember, God hears
         weak in the face of our circumstances.  2 Corin-        us when we pray.
         thians 12:9 states, “And he said unto me, My grace
         is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made per-
                                                                            2019 PRAYER CALL DATES:
         fect in weakness.” We have proven to ourselves                   October 16  Δ November 20
         over and over and over that we just don’t have                          Δ December 18
         what it takes to solve our own problems.                           Prayer Line: 515-603-4901
                                                                            Participant Code: 759781#
         We must at some point realize and recognize
         that there is a power greater than ourselves. And
         the power lies in JESUS. We must begin to pray
         and praise our way out of stuff. Hebrews 10:23
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