Page 2 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
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President’s Message continued

          Over one hundred  students and parents participated in the successful day of learning.
          The Physical and Mental Health committee has committed to place emphasis on self-care this year.  The
          committee will provide monthly tips, articles and activities designed to assist members in formulating a
          plan to focus on one’s own physical and mental well-being.  As the season transitions, let us “fall into
          balance” and commit to taking care of ourselves.  When the committee  releases its schedule of self-care
          sessions and activities, please support the efforts because they are truly planned with YOU in mind.
          As promised, plans are in the making for member focused activities throughout the  year.  Stay tuned,
          information is forthcoming from the Membership Services committee to continue the Joy in Our Sister-
          hood….Love in MAC theme throughout the year.  Please take the opportunity to engage in the member-
          only activities that will align with the organization’s #DELTACARE initiative and the chapter’s Physical
          and Mental Health member self-care plan.  Additionally, at the end of the 2019-2020 year recognition will
          be given to the Sister Circle with the most participation and creative activities throughout the year.
          The membership voted in the affirmative to proceed with Membership Intake in the September chapter
          meeting.  The      election of the Minerva Circle members will occur during the October 12, 2019 chapter
          meeting.   As stated in the video shown in the September meeting, the work of the chapter must continue
          and we have to support the plans of the chapter if we receive the final approval of the Regional Director to
          proceed with the Membership Intake process.  Each member is    encouraged to visit the Sisters Only
          portal on the national website and download the documents related to the Membership  Intake process.
          The process and requirements have changed significantly since 2014, the time of our last Membership
          Intake.   It is the responsibility of each of us to be informed!

          Finally, Sorors, we have a membership of close to 400 members and each of us should take pride in the
          quality of programs  and services  that  our chapter offers.   Let  us  all  commit to  two things  this  year  –
          supporting the work of the chapter and taking care of ourselves.  It is important to me that we do both; my
          hope  is  that  we  can  come  together  and  have  a  great  year  in  MAC,  while  living  a  BALANCED  and
          HEALTHY life!

          Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,


          Cassandra E. Brown
          Chapter President
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