Page 5 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
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FALL into Balance
You may find this balance through the practice of
yoga, meditation, movement, simple walks, quiet
Balance is a dance time, or integrative therapies such as massage that
between control and provides healing touch and allows you to stay con-
surrender.... nected.
Fall is upon us and this It’s as simple as finding the thing that brings you
is the time to begin to bliss. Here are a few tips for focusing your time on
do our inner work and what matters most.
reflection. It is a time
when we begin to slow
down for the next sev- 1. Acknowledge – Turn inward and listen to your
eral months that will innate inner voice. It speaks your truth and will help
cover the Fall and you identify the areas of your life where you have
Winter seasons. A neglected.
time to re-balance, renew, and reconnect with our
Mind, Body, and Spirit. The quest for balance and 2. Spend time in silence - Meditation is an
happiness is a road often sought after. Some learn “inward” practice that provides a great way to calm
to navigate it organically, while others are drawn to the mind and soothe the soul while you await an-
it from a place of brokenness. In my work, the sci- swers. It is a focused time of introspec-
ence of well-being, I have learned that through the tion. Mindfulness is an “outward” awareness of
integration of Yoga, Massage, and Meditation, I am your external surroundings at any time, anywhere,
often reminded of the importance to find and main- any moment. There is no goal of an answer just
tain a life in balance not only for my clients but more that something is happening.
importantly for me. The science teaches us the 3. Prepare - Establish a gratitude practice – Jour-
how. Our bodies teach us the way. One person’s nal your thoughts. This can be healing for the soul
idea of balance is not necessarily the same per- and freeing for the mind.
spective as another. There are many elements in
life that come together to create a life in balance. 4. Embrace imperfection – Be okay that you are
Finding the right mix that works best for you, will perfectly imperfect and that there is always room to
create just the space you need to retreat, restore, grow.
and reconnect.
5. Reflect - Tell yourself a different truth –Stop
replaying old stories about yourself that no longer
As we embark on the new sorority year of sisterly serve your greater happiness.
activities and the business of Delta, let us not forget 6. Create a space for happiness – Create new
to unplug and take care of ourselves in our own habits that allow you to be present in every moment
way. So many times we often get busy in the day to
day of life that we neglect the one thing that matters 7. Empower - Embrace new beginnings and be
most.... ourselves. In today’s busy life, many find it kind to yourself
difficult to unplug and often feel a sense of guilt for
doing so. We as women, leaders, and sisters find 8. Connect – Surround yourself with your tribe
this especially a challenge. There are many tools that get’s you. These are like-minded souls that
available that can help one to seek and find this help encourage, love, guide, uplift, and celebrate
balance. Fall is the perfect time to appreciate the you all while keeping you true to your authentic self.
color of your life while putting things into perspec-
tive that serves your greater self. Self-care and
awareness is an important connection to make as it Dr. Tiffany H. Taft, is an Advanced Yoga Instructor,
ensures that we are able to continue to give our Massage Therapist, and Integrative Health and
best to self and to others. Honor yourself and your Wellness Therapist focused on the science and well
path to authenticity. -being of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. You may con-
tact her directly via email: in- or via her website:
To start, what does it mean to be balanced? We will
define it as grounding and complete connection with
our whole self (mind, body, and spirit). It is through
this balance that we connect our thoughts to both
breath and movement.