Page 7 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
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achieved and some are still in progress. Never From the Invocation by Renardo Smith - EM-
give up on your goals just revise your plan if BODI, Greetings by Cassandra E. Brown –
you have to and be patience while you work, Chapter President, Introduction of the Speaker
was her message. Presenter David Whitlow by Charity Harris – Delta GEM, Charge Oscar
expressed to the member of EMBODI and the S. Berry III (Founder and President of Alabama,
Omega Sparks to always do what you know it Dean of Culture – Valiant Cross Academy) –
right. Decisions and choices they make can Conference Speaker, Recognitions by Catrina
change their futures in a positive or negative R. Waters (C.L.A.S.S. Co-Coordinator) to the
directions. He stated that it is important to es- closing remarks by Cassandra E. Brown an in-
tablish goals and surround yourself with people formative, enjoyable, impactful experience was
that can help you achieve those goals. had by all involved. But, it is not too late for
you to “Create a BLUEPRINT to Leave an IM-
PRESENTING THE BLUEPRINT TOOLKIT OF Remember this excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther
RESOURCES King’s 1967 charge to a group of Barratt Junior
The Community Education Committee planned High School Students, “And when you discover
and executed the parental workshop session. what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if
The areas of expertise represented in this ses- God Almighty called you at this particular mo-
sion designed for parents included, but were ment in history to do it. Don’t just set out to do a
not limited to medical services/assistance, vo- good job. Set out to do such a good job that the
cational education, job readiness, educational living, the dead or the unborn couldn’t do it any
opportunities beyond high school, services of better.”
the juvenile court and library services. Parents The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Del-
left this session equipped with information and ta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc., continues to be,
resources to support their child’s individual “Committed to Impactful Service to the Commu-
needs to be successful in college, careers, and nity.” We look forward to seeing you at the 8
beyond. Annual Leadership Conference in 2020.
Signature Programs Committee