Page 6 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
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the Delta GEMS with a working definition of suc-
Creating Leaders Aspiring cess. Academy and GEM participants created
vision boards to serve as tangible reminders of
in their desire dream. Kenneth Waters’ session
with EMBODI and the Omega Sparks included
discussions about creating a “S.O.L.I.D.” Plan“
Scholarship & Service for the future, which means Strategic - Oppor-
2019 C.L.A.S.S. Leadership tunistic – Live – Intentional – and Different. The
final plan was created in format of a playbook.
What Is Your Life’s Blueprint? Over one hun- MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY AND
dred students, parents and members of the EMOTIONALLY
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta These encouraging sessions provided physical,
Sigma Theta, Sorority Inc had the chance on mental and emotional tips to empower partici-
Saturday, September 28, 2019 on the campus pants with the awareness of who they are,
of Alabama State University to design their vi- whose they are and where to seek assistance in
sion for their future. This 7 Annual Leadership managing their self-care. Lillie Bowling, Dr.
Conference was sponsored by the Montgomery LaToya Clark, and Dr. Cleveland Gavin ses-
(AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, sions focused on self-care topics to strengthen
Sorority, Inc., the Fortitude Foundation and the participants’ concept of their self-worth. Lil-
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing of Alabama. This lie Bowling’s session with Delta Academy en-
year’s theme was, “Creating a BLUEPRINT to couraged participants to ask for assistance
Leave an IMPRINT.” There were four informa- when needed and it is okay to reach out. During
tive and interactive sessions that reinforced the Dr. Latoya Clark’s session with the Delta GEMS
theme of the conference. The sessions were focused on making career choices and healthy
uniquely created to provide the architectural relationship guidance, as well as establishing
structure necessary to create a blueprint. achievable goals. Dr. Cleveland Gavin stated in
THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN session with EMBODI and the Omega Sparks,
The general session provided the architectural “Your attitude will determine your altitude.” He
design for “creating the blueprint”. Mr. Oscar emphasized the importance in remaining posi-
Berry of Valiant Cross Academy provided the tive in all types of situations especially being an
“why” for the need to build mold our youth and Africa-American Male.
provided key principles to ensure success in do- ACCESSING THE DOOR –
ing so. The key principles to support the design VIEWING THE MODEL BLUEPRINT
of a blueprint, according to Mr. Berry, are dedi-
cation, discipline and resilience. Presenters Jazmyn Isaac and David Whitlow
two very positive, confident, young, and suc-
LAYING THE FOUNDATON – cessful role models presented their path to
LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE reaching their current milestones as they en-
Tafeni English, Ossie Vaughn, and Kenneth Wa- couraged participants to join in the dialogue
ters provided interactive sessions in which each from a young person’s perspective. Jazmyn
participant explored his or her dreams, goals or Isaac shared her own vision board with during
aspirations. Tafeni English session with Delta her session with Delta Academy and Delta
Academy reinforced in her session the im- GEMS. She explained that some goals were
portance of setting “S.M.A.R.T. Goals.” Pre-
senter Ossie Vaughn started her session with