Page 5 - Naskah Publikasi Inggris ETD
P. 5


                        role ambiguity, job control, and time pressure. Karasek (in Sur and Ng, 2014) was
                        the  pioneer  researcher  who  determined  job  control  as  a  way  to  reduce  work

                        stress. Ganster and Rosen (2013) suggested that job control serves to inhibit the

                        rate of work stress that caused by workload, conflict, and others. Low job control

                        and  unfair  rewards  increase  work  stress  (Tsutsumi,  Kayaba,  Theorel,  Siegrist,
                        2001). Robbins and Judge (2015) stated that a person who is experiencing stress

                        can be indentified through signs of physiological symptoms, psychic symptoms,

                        and behavioral symptoms. This opinion is supported by research conducted by

                        Ganster  and  Rosen  (2013)  which  suggests  work  stress  is  characterized  by

                        increased  anxiety,  tension  and  physiologically  increase  blood  pressure,
                        cholesterol, and heart disease.

                                 Potential  work  stress  can  be  experienced  by  employees  from  various

                        sectors. Employees of state-forest corporation that engaged in the forestry sector

                        can’t be separated from the threat of potential work stress. Especially with the

                        working  area  of  about  2.4  million  hectares  with  24  thousand  employees  who
                        have to work hard to secure the forest, with assumption 100 hectares are secured

                        by each employee. Research conducted by Mc Elwee (2008) showed that forest

                        destruction can be caused by economic factors ie human desire to meet the needs

                        of life. Peluso (2011) in his research stated the dependency of forest villagers to

                        the state forest in Java. Law enforcement conducted to overcome the destruction.
                        The  results  of  the  interview  showed  the  symptoms  of  work  stress  in  form  of

                        anxiety, fear and healthy problem to the personnel who experienced the incident

                        and  directly  faced  the  mass  turmoil  or  mass  amok  as  the  effect  of  law

                        enforcement that conducted in several work units. Forest encroachment caused
                        the wood of state forest corporation sharply decreased with lost more than 40%,

                        as much as 16.1 million cubic meters.

                                 Based  on  the  official  annual  report  published,  the  revenues  of  state

                        forest  corporation  in  2015  decreased  from  4.6  trillion  to  4.1  trillion  from  the
                        previous year, affecting the company's net profit down from 264 billion to 166
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