Page 8 - Naskah Publikasi Inggris ETD
P. 8


                                 The  opinion  of  Fetzer  Institute  and  the  National  Institute  on  Aging
                        Working  Group  (1999)  on  religiosity  is a matter  related to the behavior, social,

                        and doctrine of every religion and must be followed by its adherents. A similar

                        opinion  was  expressed  by  Boswell  and  Boswell  (2010)  that  religiosity  is

                        adherence to religious dogma and belief, moral expressions of belief in the form
                        of worship together or independent.

                                 Sufficient work stress according to Handoko (2013) is able to improve

                        work  performance  but  if  work  stress  is  too  high  it  will  produce  very  low  job

                        performance.  An  organization  needs  to  pay  attention  to  work  stress  of  its

                        employees to get an optimal work result. Research conducted by Astianto (2014)
                        shows an inverse relationship. An employee who experienced one unit increase

                        of work stress reduce  his performance in amount 0.16. Astianto further added

                        sufficient  work  stress  to  encourage  employees  to  respond    the  job  challenges.

                        Sufficient  work  stress  with  the  optimum  level  of  loading  intensity  can  spur

                        employee performance.
                                 Organizations  certainly  doesn’t  expect  a  decline  in  company

                        performance.  Jamal  (2011)  states  that  there  is  an  inverse  linear  relationship

                        between  work  stress  and  employee  performance.  Based  on  some  of  the  above

                        research it is important for the organization to pay attention to the level of work

                        stress of its employees. Too little stimulus or job challenge or no work stress will
                        not be encouraged to show their best performance, but if the stress level of work

                        is too high it will potentially cause burnout or even depression.

                                 Referring to the concepts put forward Robbins and Judge (2015) stress

                        is  associated  with  demands  and  resources.  Demands  are  the  responsibility,
                        pressure,  obligation,  and  uncertainty  faced  by  individuals  in  the  workplace.

                        Resources are things within the individual's control that he can use to resolve the

                        demands. Refers to the above concept of job insecurity with respect to demands

                        in the work environment whereas religiosity can be used as a resource that can
                        be managed by an employee.
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