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termination or loss of the job position. While the feeling of powerlessness of the
situation is inability to cope the change of the future work situation. The absence
of control over the job situation increases job insecurity. Research conducted by
Ganster and Rosen (2013) reinforce the opinion that job control works to inhibit
the rate of work stress. The threat of losing the job or occupation as one of the
aspect of job insecurity that can affect work stress reinforced by research
conducted by Tsutsumi, et al (2001) which stated that the threat of job loss
increases depression.
Greenhalg and Rosenblatt (1984) stated that job insecurity is a
powerless to preserve the desired sustainability within threatened work
situations. The bigger someone perceives the threat to his work in the future,
affect the greater the job insecurity. Research by Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt
(1984) shows correlation between job insecurity and stress, where job insecurity
is a source of stress.
There are various ways people adapt to stress, one is through the
approach of religiosity. Research conducted by Roostaee (2016) stated a negative
relationship between religious-coping and work stress. Religion was defined
according to Glock and Stark as quoted by Ancok and Suroso (2011) is a system
of symbols, beliefs, values and behaviors that are lived and interpreted. Glock
and Stark proposed the five dimensions of religiosity: Belief, Ritual, Experience,
Knowledge of Religion, and Consequences.
Idler, Musick, Ellison, George, Krause, and Ory (2003) conducted
research on the dimensions of religiosity and health by using the dimensions of
religiosity: personal religious, public religious practice, and private religious
practice. Koenig, George, Blazer, Meador, and Dyk (1994) reported that their
research on the life experiences of a person has less impact on depression.
Koenig, Ford, George, Blazer and Meador (1993) reported a person with religous
experience has fewer anxiety disorders.