Page 10 - Naskah Publikasi Inggris ETD
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                        scale, and the religiosity scale. Respondents  were asked to respond  the scale that
                        contains a number of items given based on the perceived real circumstances of

                        each  respondent.  Each  item  uses  Likert  scale  consisting  of  five  alternative

                        answers.  The  scale  consists  of  five  choices  of  answers:  very  suitable,  suitable,

                        neutral, not suitable, and very not suitable.
                                 The  study  was  conducted  on  July  12  -  July  28,  2017.  Researchers

                        distributed the scales  to sub units of work in a state forest corporation.   From

                        the 164 data subjects, 45 of them processed as  tried-out measuring instrument,

                        119 data subject used as data analysis research. The work stress scale that used

                        after the  try out has an alpha cronbach coefficient  at 0.907. Job insecurity scale
                        has  alpha  cronbach coefficient  at  0.884.  And  the  scale  of  religiosity  has    alpha

                        cronbach coefficient at 0.942.


                        Data on the demographic composition of the subjects in this study are described

                        in the following table:
                        Table 1.

                        Subject Demographic Composition

                        Demography             Data                Amount           Percentage

                                               Male                     119             100 %

                                               Female                     0                0%

                        Age                    < 40 years old            32             26,9 %
                                               40 – 50 years old         75              63 %
                                               > 50 years old            12             10,1 %
                                               2 – 15 years              29             24,4 %
                        Work experience
                                               16 - 25 years             77             64,7 %
                                               > 25 years                13             10,9 %
                        the  result  of  descriptive  analysis  shows  that  the  research  subject  in  field  has

                        empirical mean work stress and job insecurity (work stress  53,02; job insecurity

                        44,06) lower than hypothetical mean (work stress  66; job insecurity  45). While

                        the empirical mean of religiosity (156.35) is higher than the hypothetical mean

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