Page 137 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 8  White cells: Granulocytes and monocytes  /  123

                                Figure 8.12   Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: bone marrow aspirates showing histiocytes that have
                      ingested red cells, erythroblasts and neutrophils.

                                                                cal fractures. Osteoporosis is also frequent.
                               Gal      Glc    Ceramide         Expansion of the lower end of the femur may

                                                                produce the  ‘ Erlenmeyer flask  deformity ’   (Fig.
                                                                 8.14 c).
                                                                    The clinical manifestations are caused by the

                                Glc     Ceramide
                                                                accumulation  of  glucocerebroside - laden  macro-
                                          Gaucher's disease
                                                                phages in the spleen, liver and bone marrow (Fig.
                                                                  8.14 a,b). Gaucher cells are, however, not inert lipid
                                                                storage containers but are metabolically active,
                                                                secreting proteins that cause secondary pathology

                                Figure 8.13   Gaucher ’ s disease results from a   (e.g. pulmonary hypertension, alveolar fi brosis and

                      defi ciency of glucocerebrosidase. Gal, galactose; Glc,   cholesterol gallstones). Carriers of a Gaucher muta-
                      glucose.                                  tion also have an increased incidence and earlier
                                                                onset of Parkinson ’ s disease.
                                                                     Gaucher  s disease at all ages is commonly associ-
                                                                ated with marked anaemia, leucopenia and throm-
                      type (type II); and a subacute neuronopathic type   bocytopenia occurring singly or in combination.
                      with onset in childhood or adolescence (type III).   Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia or mono-
                      Type I is caused by a variety of mutations in the   clonal gammopathy are frequent with a risk of
                      glucocerebrosidase gene, one type of which (a single   myeloma. Diagnosis is made by assay of white cell
                      base pair substitution in codon 444) is particularly   glucocerebrosidase and DNA analysis. Lysosomal
                      common in Ashkenazi Jews and explains the high   enyzmes, chitotriosidase and acid phosphatase are
                      incidence of the disease in this group. In type I the   raised and useful in monitoring therapy. Pulmonary
                      outstanding physical sign is splenomegaly. Moderate   activation regulated cytokine (PARC), angiotensin -
                      liver enlargement and pingueculae (conjunctival    converting enzyme (ACE), macrophage infl amma-
                      deposits) are other characteristic findings. In many   tion factor protein (MIP - 1 β ) and ferritin are also

                      cases, bone deposits cause bone pain and pathologi-  elevated.
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