Page 138 - Essential Haematology
P. 138

(a)                               (b)

                            (c)                               (d)

                            (e)                               (f)

                              Figure 8.14   Gaucher ’ s disease:  (a)  bone marrow aspirate  –  a Gaucher cell with  ‘ fi brillar ’  cytoplasmic pattern;
                      (b)  spleen histology  –  pale clusters of Gaucher cells in the reticuloendothelial cord;  (c)  magnetic resonance
                    imaging (MRI) scan of the left knee of a patient before treatment showing Erlenmeyer fl ask deformity with
                    expansion of the marrow and thinning of the cortical bone;  (d)  following a year of glucocerebrosidase therapy
                    with subsequent remodelling of bone; and bone marrow trephine biopsy before  (e)  and after  (f)  2 years of
                    glucocerebrosidase therapy.
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