Page 133 - Essential Haematology
P. 133

Chapter 8  White cells: Granulocytes and monocytes  /  119

                                Benign  e thnic  n eutropenia   antibody may be directed against one of the
                                                                neutrophil - specific antigens (e.g. NA, NB).

                       It has been known for many decades that black
                      people often have a low neutrophil count. It is now
                      clear that up to 98% of people of  West African       Idiopathic  b enign  n eutropenia
                      origin carry a polymorphism in the Duff y antigen
                      chemokine receptor (DARC) gene which leads to   An increase in the marginating fraction of blood
                      loss of DARC expression on red cells. Th is  has  neutrophils and a corresponding reduction in the
                      apparently been selected during evolution because  circulating fraction is one cause of benign neutro-
                      the malaria parasite  Plasmodium vivax  uses DARC  penia. Th  is may in some races be related to reduced
                      as a receptor to enter the red cell. DARC is a chemo-  DARC expression as discussed above. Many healthy
                      kine receptor and the loss of red cell DARC expres-  Africans and other races, especially in the Middle
                      sion leads directly to the clinical state of benign  East, have a low peripheral blood neutrophil count
                      ethnic neutropenia. Th e effect is to lower the median  without excess margination. Th  ese subjects have no

                      neutrophil count by around 0.5    ×    10  /L in this  increased susceptibility to infection and the bone
                      population. There does not appear to be any signifi -  marrow appears normal although there is dimin-

                      cant clinical sequelae and the reduced blood cell  ished neutrophil production.
                      count may result from an altered pattern of neu-   Finally, the term chronic idiopathic neutropenia
                      trophil margination. A similar effect is also seen in  is used for unexplained acquired neutropenia (neu-

                      other populations, most notably in the Middle East.  trophil count below normal for the ethnic group),

                                                                without phasic variations or underlying disease. It
                                                                is more common in females and thought to be
                          Congenital  n eutropenia
                                                                brought about by immune cells causing inhibition
                        Kostmann  s syndrome is an autosomal recessive  of myelopoiesis in the bone marrow.
                      disease presenting in the first year of life with life -

                        threatening infections. Most cases are caused by

                      mutations of the gene coding for neutrophil elastase.   Clinical  f eatures
                      G - CSF produces a clinical response although
                                                                  Severe neutropenia is particularly associated with

                      marrow fibrosis and acute myeloid leukaemia may
                                                                infections of the mouth and throat. Painful and
                                                                often intractable ulceration may occur at these sites
                                                                (Fig.  8.10 ), on the skin or at the anus. Septicaemia
                          Drug - i nduced  n eutropenia         rapidly supervenes. Organisms carried as commen-

                                                                sals by healthy individuals, such as  Staphylococcus
                       A large number of drugs have been implicated
                                                                epidermidis  or Gram - negative organisms in the
                      (Table  8.4 ) and may induce neutropenia either by
                                                                bowel, may become pathogens. Other features of
                      direct toxicity or immune - mediated damage.
                                                                infections associated with severe neutropenia are
                                                                described on    p. 169   .
                          Cyclical  n eutropenia

                       This is a rare syndrome with 3 -  to 4 - week periodic-      Diagnosis
                      ity. Severe but temporary neutropenia occurs.
                      Monocytes tend to rise as the neutrophils fall.     Bone marrow examination is useful in determining
                      Mutation of the gene for neutrophil elastase under-  the level of damage in granulopoiesis (i.e. whether
                      lies some cases.                          there is reduction in early precursors or whether
                                                                there is reduction only of circulating and marrow
                                                                neutrophils with late precursors remaining in the
                          Autoimmune  n eutropenia
                                                                marrow). Marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy
                        In some cases of chronic neutropenia an autoim-  may also provide evidence of leukaemia, myelodys-
                      mune mechanism can be demonstrated. Th e  plasia or other infi ltration.
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