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114  /  Chapter 8  White cells: Granulocytes and monocytes

                                                              from damaged tissues or by complement compo-
                                               intraglomerular  nents and also by the interaction of leucocyte adhe-
                                               mesangial cells  sion molecules with ligands on the damaged tissues.

                                                              The leucocyte adhesion molecules also mediate
                                                              recruitment, migration and interaction with other
                                               Brain          immune cells. They are also variously expressed on

                                                              endothelial cells and platelets (see Chapter  1   ).
                    Monocyte                                      Phagocytosis
                    in                         Serosal
                    peripheral                 macrophages     The foreign material (e.g. bacteria, fungi) or dead

                                                              or damaged cells of the host are phagocytosed (Fig.
                                               Lung alveolar
                                               macrophages      8.7 ). Recognition of a foreign particle is aided by
                                                              opsonization with immunoglobulin or complement
                                                              because both neutrophils and monocytes have Fc
                                                              and C3b receptors (see Chapter  9 ). Opsonization

                                               Liver          of normal body cells (e.g. red cells or platelets) also
                                               Küpffer cells
                                                              makes them liable to destruction by macrophages
                                                              of the reticuloendothelial system, as in autoimmune
                                               Spleen sinus   haemolysis, idiopathic (autoimmune) thrombocy-
                                               macrophages, APC
                                                              topenic purpura or many of the drug - induced
                                               Bone marrow        Macrophages have a central role in antigen pres-
                                               macrophages, APC  entation: processing and presenting foreign antigens
                                                              on human leucocyte antigen (HLA) molecules to
                                                              the immune system. They also secrete a large

                                               Lymph node
                                               macrophages, APC  number of growth factors and chemokines that
                                                              regulate inflammation and immune responses.

                              Figure 8.6   Reticuloendothelial system: distribution of      Chemokines  are chemotactic cytokines of which
                    macrophages. APC, antigen presenting cells.    there are two main classes: CXC ( α ) chemokines,
                                                              small (8 – 10   000   MW) pro - infl ammatory cytokines
                                                              which mainly act on neutrophils, and CC ( β )
                    dendritic cells which are involved in antigen pres-  chemokines such as macrophage infl ammatory
                    entation to T cells (see Chapter  9   ). GM - CSF and   protein - 1 α  (MIP - 1 α ) and RANTES, which act on
                    M - CSF are involved in their production and   monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and natural killer
                    activation.                               (NK) cells. Chemokines may be produced consti-
                                                              tutively and control lymphocyte traffi  c under physi-

                        Disorders of  n eutrophil and         ological conditions; inflammatory chemokines are
                      m onocyte  f unction                    induced or up - regulated by infl ammatory stimuli.
                                                              They bind to and activate cells via chemokine recep-

                     The normal function of neutrophils and monocytes   tors and play an important part in recruiting appro-

                    may be divided into three phases.         priate cells to the sites of infl ammation.
                              Chemotaxis ( c ell  m obilization       Killing and  d igestion
                    and  m igration)
                                                               This occurs by oxygen - dependent and oxygen -

                     The phagocyte is attracted to bacteria or the site of    independent pathways. In the oxygen - dependent

                    inflammation by chemotactic substances released   reactions, superoxide (O  2    ), hydrogen peroxide
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