Page 143 - Essential Haematology
P. 143

Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes  /  129

                            Table 9.1   Functional aspects of T and B cells.
                                             T cells                       B cells
                            Origin         Thymus                        Bone marrow
                            Tissue distribution     Parafollicular areas of cortex in       Germinal centres of lymph nodes, spleen,
                                          nodes, periarteriolar in spleen    gut, respiratory tract; also subcapsular
                                                                       and medullary cords of lymph nodes

                            Blood            80% of lymphocytes; CD4    >   CD8         20% of lymphocytes
                            Membrane         TCR for antigen               BCR ( =  immunoglobulin) for antigen
                            Function         CD8  : CMI against intracellular       Humoral immunity by generation of
                                          organisms                    antibodies
                                             CD4  : T - cell help for antibody
                                          production and generation of
                            Characteristic       CD1                     CD19
                        surface markers        CD2                       CD20
                                             CD3                         CD22
                                             CD4 or 8                    CD9 (pre B cells)
                                             CD5                         CD10 (precursor B cells)
                                             CD6                         CD79 a and b
                                             CD7                         HLA class I and II
                                             HLA class I
                                             HLA class II when activated

                            Genes rearranged        TCR  α ,  β ,  γ ,  δ       IgH, Ig κ , Ig λ

                              BCR, B - cell receptor; C, complement; CMI, cell - mediated immunity; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; Ig, immunoglobulin;
                        TCR, T - cell receptor.

                           T cells develop from cells that have migrated       Natural  k iller  c ells
                      to the thymus where they differentiate into mature

                      T cells during passage from the cortex to the     Natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic CD8   cells

                      medulla. During this process, self - reactive T cells   that lack the T - cell receptor (TCR). They are large
                      are deleted (negative selection) whereas T cells with   cells with cytoplasmic granules and typically express
                      some specificity for host human leucocyte antigen   surface molecules CD16 (Fc receptor), CD56 and

                      (HLA) molecules are selected (positive selection).   CD57. NK cells are designed to kill target cells that
                      The mature helper cells express CD4 and cytotoxic   have a low level of expression of HLA class I mol-

                      cells express CD8 (Table  9.1 ). The cells also express   ecules such as may occur during viral infection or

                      one of two  T - cell antigen receptor heterodimers,   on a malignant cell. NK cells do this by displaying
                        α  β  ( > 90%) or  γ  δ  ( < 10%), and recognize antigen   a number of receptors for HLA molecules on their
                      only when it is presented at a cell surface (see   surface. When HLA is expressed on the target cell
                      below).                                   these deliver an inhibitory signal into the NK cell.
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