Page 145 - Essential Haematology
P. 145

Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes  /  131

                                                                immunoglobulin from a monoclonal population of
                                                   Variable antigen
                                                     binding site  lymphocytes or plasma cells causes  paraproteinae-
                                                                mia     (see p. 273)   . Bence - Jones protein found in the
                                     V H         V H
                           Fab  V                       V       urine in some cases of myeloma consists of a mono-
                      fragments  L                       L      clonal secretion of light chains or light - chain frag-
                                       C H    C H      Light chain  ments (either  κ  or  λ ). Immunoglobulins may bind
                                 C L                 C L   (κ or λ)
                                          SS                    to blood cells in a variety of immune disorders and
                                                                cause their agglutination (e.g. in cold agglutinin

                                          SS                    disease;   see p. 84   ) or destruction following direct
                                 Papain           Papain cleavage
                                cleavage                        complement lysis or after elimination by the reticu-
                            Fc                                  loendothelial system.

                                                                    Antigen – r eceptor  g ene
                                                                  a rrangements
                                        Heavy chain
                                       (μ, δ, γ, ε or α)            Immunoglobulin  g ene  r earrangements
                                                                 Th e immunoglobulin heavy - chain and  κ  and  λ

                                Figure 9.3   Basic structure of an immunoglobulin
                                                                light - chain genes occur on chromosomes 14, 2 and
                      molecule. Each molecule is made up of two light ( κ  or
                                                                22, respectively. In the germline state, the heavy -
                        λ ) (blue areas) and two heavy (purple) chains, and
                                                                  chain gene consists of separate segments for variable
                      each chain is made up of variable (V) and constant
                                                                (V), diversity (D), joining (J) and constant (C)
                      (C) portions, the V portions including the antigen -
                                                                regions. Each of the V, D and J regions contain a
                        binding site. The heavy chain ( μ ,  δ ,  γ ,  ε  or  α ) varies
                      according to the immunoglobulin class. IgA molecules   number ( n ) of diff erent  gene segments  (Fig.  9.4 ). In
                      form dimers, while IgM forms a ring of fi ve molecules.   cells not committed to immunoglobulin synthesis
                      Papain cleaves the molecules into an Fc fragment and   these gene segments remain in their separate germ-
                      two Fab fragments.
                                                             D            J
                                   5'                                                     3'
                                        V1       Vn        1 2 3 n    1 2 3 4 5 6   Cμ
                                                                DNA rearrangement
                                      Rearranged heavy chain
                                               gene DNA  V 2  12 3 4 5 6  Cμ
                                                                RNA splicing

                                                 μ mRNA
                                                         V  DJ  Cμ

                                          Cytoplasmic μ chain
                                                         V  DJ  Cμ

                                Figure 9.4   Rearrangement of a heavy - chain immunoglobulin gene. One of the V segments is brought into

                      contact with a D, a J and a C (in this case C μ ) segment, forming an active transcriptional gene from which the
                      corresponding mRNA is produced. The DJ rearrangement precedes VDJ joining. The class of immunoglobin
                      depends on which of the nine constant regions (1 μ , 1 δ , 4 γ , 2 α , 1 ε ) is used.
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