Page 146 - Essential Haematology
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132  /  Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes

                    line state. During early differentiation of B cells   heptamer -   and  nonamer - conserved  sequences

                    there is rearrangement of heavy - chain genes so that   flanking the various gene segments. Mistakes in
                    one of the V heavy - chain segments combines with   recombinase activity play an important part in
                    one of the D segments, which has itself already   the  chromosome  translocations  of  B -   or  T - cell
                    combined with one of the J segments. Th us, they   malignancy.
                    form a transcriptionally active gene for the heavy    The pattern of gene and protein expression that

                    chain. The protein coding segments of the C region   is seen during B cell development is valuable in
                    mRNA are joined to the V region after splicing out   determining the stage of B cell development and is

                    intervening RNA. The class of immunoglobulin   useful in leukaemia diagnosis (Figs  9.5  and  9.6 ).
                    that is secreted depends on which of the nine (4 γ ,
                    2 α , 1 μ , 1 δ  and 1 ε ) constant regions is used.
                                                                    T - c ell  r eceptor  g ene  r earrangements

                       Diversity is introduced by the variability of
                    which  V segment joins with which D and with    The vast majority of T cells contain a TCR com-

                    which J segment. In the arbitrary example shown   posed of a heterodimer of  α  and  β  chains. In a
                    in Fig. 9.4,  V  2   joins with D  1   and J  2  .  Additional   minority of T cells, the TCR is composed of  γ  and
                    diversity is generated by the enzyme terminal deox-    δ  chains. Th e  α ,  β ,  γ  and  δ  genes of the TCRs each
                    ynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), which inserts a vari-  include V, D, J and C regions. During T - cell ontog-
                    able number of new bases into the DNA of the D   eny, rearrangements of these gene segments occur
                    region at the time of gene rearrangement. Similar   in a similar fashion to those for immunoglobulin
                    rearrangements occur during generation of the   genes, thus creating T cells expressing a wide variety
                    light - chain gene (Fig.  9.5 ). Enzymes called  recom-  (10   or more) of TCR structures (Fig.  9.6 ). TdT is
                    binases  are needed both in B and T cells to join   involved in creating additional diversity and the
                    up the adjacent pieces of DNA after excision of   same recombinase enzymes used in B cells are

                    intervening sequences. These recognize certain   involved in joining up TCR gene segments.

                        Pro-B       Pre-B         Early B      Mature B

                      Heavy chain gene rearranged
                          κ light chain gene rearranged
                             λ light chain gene rearranged
                                             Surface immunoglobin

                                                                                    Figure 9.5   The sequence
                      CD10                                                of immunoglobulin gene
                                                                          rearrangement, antigen and
                                                                          immunoglobulin expression during
                           CD20                                           early B - cell development.
                                                                          Intracytoplasmic CD22 is a feature
                                                                          of very early B cells. HLA, human
                           CD79a                                          leucocyte antigen; TdT, terminal
                                                                          deoxynucleotidyl transferase.
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