Page 150 - Essential Haematology
P. 150

136  /  Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes

                                    Lymph from extravascular tissue space

                                           Afferent   lymphatics
                        Primary follicle                         Marginal
                                                                 (B cells)
                    Secondary  centre                            T zone
                    follicle  Mantle
                            zone                                 Medullary

                                                  Efferent lymphatics
                                      Lymph returned to venous blood


                                                                                      Figure 9.9   (a)  Structure of a
                                                                            lymph node.  (b)  Lymph node
                                                                            showing germinal follicles
                                                                            surrounded by a darker mantle
                                                                            zone rim and lighter, more diffuse
                    (b)                                                     marginal and T - zone areas.

                    another species ’ ) antibody which reacts with sheep,      1   Bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy is present in

                    horse or ox red cells.                      75% of cases. Symmetrical generalized lymphad-
                                                                enopathy occurs in 50% of cases. The nodes are

                                                                discrete and may be tender.
                        Clinical  f eatures
                                                                 2      Over half of patients have a sore throat with
                     The majority of patients are between the ages of 15   inflamed oral and pharyngeal surfaces. Follicular

                    and 40 years. A prodromal period of a few days   tonsillitis is frequently seen.

                    occurs with lethargy, malaise, headaches, stiff  neck      3   Fever may be mild or severe.

                    and a dry cough. In established disease the follow-     4      A morbilliform rash, severe headache and eye
                    ing features may be found:                  signs (e.g. photophobia, conjunctivitis and peri-
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