Page 152 - Essential Haematology
P. 152

138  /  Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes

                    (a)                          (b)

                                                                                      Figure 9.11   Infectious mononu-

                                                                            cleosis: representative  ‘ reactive ’  T
                                                                            lymphocytes in the peripheral
                                                                            blood fi lm of a 21 - year - old man
                    (c)                          (d)                        (see also Fig.  9.1 b).

                    variable in appearance but most have nuclear and   antigen (VCA) may be demonstrated during the

                    cytoplasmic features similar to those seen during   first 2 – 3 weeks. Specific IgG antibody to the EBV

                    reactive lymphocyte transformation. Th e  greatest   nuclear antigen (EBNA) and IgG VCA antibodies
                    number of atypical lymphocytes are usually found   develop later and persist for life.
                    between the seventh and tenth day of the illness.
                                                                  Haematological  a bnormalities
                        Heterophile  a ntibodies               Haematological abnormalities other than the
                     Heterophile antibodies against sheep or horse red   atypical lymphocytosis are frequent. Occasional
                    cells may be found in the serum at high titres.   patients develop an autoimmune haemolytic
                    Modern slide screening tests, such as the  monospot   anaemia. The IgM autoantibody is typically of

                    test , use formalinized horse red cells to test for the   the   ‘ cold ’   type  and  usually  shows   ‘ i ’   blood  group

                    IgM antibodies that agglutinate the cells. Highest   specifi city.  Thrombocytopenia is frequent and an
                    titres occur during the second and third week and   autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura occurs in
                    the antibody persists in most patients for 6 weeks.     a smaller number of patients.

                          EBV   a ntibody
                                                                  Differential  d iagnosis
                     If viral diagnostic facilities are available, a rise in

                    the titre of IgM antibody against the EBV capsid    Th e differential diagnosis of infectious mononucle-
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