Page 155 - Essential Haematology
P. 155

Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes  /  141

                      Computed tomography (CT) scanning is valuable  not available for biopsy, bone marrow or liver
                      in determining the presence and extent of deep  biopsy, CT or ultrasound guided trucut deep node
                      node enlargement. Subsequent investigations will  biopsy may be needed in an attempt to reach a
                      depend on the diagnosis made and the patient  s  histological diagnosis. Biopsy of the spleen is not
                      particular features. In some cases of deep node  performed as it may cause rupture requiring

                      enlargement, where enlarged superficial nodes are  splenectomy.

                                  ■   Lymphocytes are immunologically   recognition of antigen on antigen -

                           competent white cells that are involved in     presenting cells and formation of plasma
                           antibody production (B cells) and with the   cells (which secrete immunoglobulin) or
                           body ’ s defence against viral infection or   memory B cells.                     SUMMARY
                           other foreign invasion (T cells).          ■    Immunoglobulins include fi ve subclasses

                              ■    They arise from haemopoietic stem cells in   or isotypes, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgG, all
                           the marrow, T cells being subsequently   made up of two heavy chains and two light
                           processed in the thymus.                chains ( κ  or  λ ).

                              ■    B cells secrete gammaglobulin antibodies         ■    Complement is a cascade of plasma

                           specifi c for individual antigens.       proteins that can either lyse cells or coat
                           T lymphocytes are further subdivided into   (opsonise) them so they are
                           helper (CD4  ) and cytotoxic (CD8  ) cells.   phagocytosed.

                           They recognise peptides on HLA antigens.         ■    Lymphocytosis is usually caused by acute
                           Natural killer cells are cytotoxic CD8   cells   or chronic infections or by lymphoid
                           that kill target cells with low expression of   leukaemias or lymphomas.

                           HLA molecules.                             ■    Lymphadenopathy may be localized

                              ■    The immune response occurs in the   (because of local infection or malignancy)
                           germinal centre of lymph nodes and      or generalized because of infection,
                           involves B - cell and T - cell proliferation,   non - infectious infl ammatory diseases,
                           somatic mutation, selection of cells by   malignancy or drugs.
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