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Chapter 9  White cells: Lymphocytes  /  135

                      that of any other lymphocyte, and consequently will   their surface immunoglobulin and although most
                      bind to only a restricted number of antigens. T and   antibody responses require help from antigen -

                      B cells undergo clonal expansion if they meet an    specific T cells, some antigens such as polysaccha-
                      APC that is presenting an antigen that can trigger   rides can lead to  T - cell independent antibody
                      their antigen receptor molecules. At this stage, lym-  production. T cells are screened for recognition of

                      phocytes may develop into effector cells (such as   antigen and if a  T cell makes an interaction it
                      plasma cells or cytotoxic T cells) or memory cells.       migrates into the follicle. In the follicle, germinal
                           DC precursors constitutively migrate at low   centres arise as a result of continuing response to
                      levels from blood into tissues but their rate of   antigenic stimulation (Fig.  9.10 ). These consist of

                      migration is increased at the site of infl ammation.   follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which are loaded
                      Immature DCs are effi  cient  at  macropinocytosis   with antigen, B cells and activated T cells which
                      which allows them to capture antigens from the   have migrated up from the T zone. Proliferating B
                      environment. DCs can be matured by a variety of   cells move to the dark zone of the germinal centre

                      stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines  –  tumour   as  centroblasts  where they undergo somatic muta-
                      necrosis factor -  α  (TNF -  α ) and interleukin - 1 (IL - 1)   tion of their immunoglobulin variable - region genes.
                        –  and viral and bacterial products such as lipopoly-  Their progeny are known as  centrocytes  and these

                      saccharide (LPS) or double - stranded (ds) RNA.   must be selected by antigen on FDCs otherwise
                      Mature DCs express high levels of co - stimulatory   they will undergo apoptosis. If selected they become

                      molecules and can efficiently present antigen to   memory B cells or plasma cells (Fig.  9.10 ). Plasma
                      na ï ve antigen - specifi c T cells.      cells migrate to the bone marrow and produce high

                           T cells are unable to bind antigen free in solu-  affinity antibody. Although they contain intracel-
                      tion and require it to be presented on APCs in the   lular immunoglobulin they do not express surface
                      form of peptides held on the surface of HLA mol-  immunoglobulin.
                      ecules (Fig.  9.8 b). T cells therefore recognize not
                      only the antigen, but also   self ’  HLA molecules and       Lymphocytosis

                      are known as  HLA - restricted . The CD4 molecule
                                                                  Lymphocytosis often occurs in infants and young
                      on helper cells recognizes class II (HLA - DP,  - DQ
                                                                children in response to infections that produce a
                      and  - DR) molecules, whereas the CD8 molecule
                                                                neutrophil reaction in adults. Conditions particu-
                      recognizes class I (HLA - A,  - B and  - C) molecules
                                                                larly associated with lymphocytosis are listed in
                      (see Fig.  23.5   ).
                                                                Table  9.3 .

                          The antigen recognition site of the  TCR is
                                                                     Glandular fever is a general term for a disease
                      joined to several other subunits in the CD3 complex
                                                                characterized by fever, sore throat, lymphadenopa-
                      which together mediate signal transduction. During
                                                                thy and atypical lymphocytes in the blood. It may
                      these structural interactions the cells release
                                                                be caused by primary infection with Epstein – Barr
                      cytokines such as IL - 1,  - 2,  - 4 and  - 10 which act to
                                                                virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human
                      modify expansion of activated cells. Depending on   immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or toxoplasma.

                      their cytokine production, CD4   T cells can be

                                                                EBV infection, otherwise known as infectious
                      broadly subdivided into T helper type 1 (Th 1) and
                                                                mononucleosis, is the most common cause.
                      Th2 cells. Th1 cells produce mainly IL - 2, TNF - α

                      and  γ  - interferon  (IFN -  γ ), and are important in
                                                                    Infectious  m ononucleosis
                      boosting cell - mediated immunity (and granuloma

                      formation), whereas Th2 cells produce IL - 4 and    This is caused by primary infection with EBV and

                      IL - 10 and are mainly responsible for providing help   occurs only in a minority of infected individuals  –

                      for antibody production.                  in most cases infection is subclinical. The disease is

                          Antigen - specific immune responses are gener-  characterized by a lymphocytosis caused by clonal
                      ated in  secondary lymphoid organs  and commence   expansions of T cells reacting against B lymphocytes

                      when antigen is carried into a lymph node (Fig.  9.9 )   infected with EBV. The disease is associated with a
                      on dendritic cells. B cells recognize antigen through   high titre of heterophile ( ‘ reacting with cells of
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