Page 509 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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humans. These papillae are characterized by deep moats or furrows that encircle

               them. Numerous excretory ducts from underlying serous  (von  Ebner)  glands
               located in the connective tissue of the tongue empty their serous secretions into
               the  base  of  these  furrows.  Numerous  taste  buds  are  located  in  the  stratified
               epithelium on the lateral sides of each papilla.

               Foliate Papillae

               Foliate  papillae  are  well  developed  in  some  animals  but  are  rudimentary  or
               poorly developed in humans.

               Taste Buds

               Located in the confines of the stratified epithelium of the foliate and fungiform
               papillae, and on the lateral sides of the circumvallate papillae, are barrel-shaped
               taste buds (Fig. 13.4).  In  addition  to  the  tongue,  taste  buds  are  found  in  the

               epithelium of the soft palate, pharynx, and epiglottis. The epithelial surface of
               each taste bud contains an opening called the taste pore. Each taste bud occupies
               the full thickness of the epithelium and contains three main cell types.

               FIGURE 13.4 ■ A section of the tongue epithelium showing the taste bud and

               its cells spanning the entire width of the stratified squamous epithelium.

               Located  within  each  taste  bud  are  elongated  gustatory  (neuroepithelial  or
               taste)  cells  that  extend  from  the  base  of  the  taste  bud  to  the  taste  pore.  The
               apices of each taste cell exhibit numerous microvilli that protrude through the

               taste  pore.  The  bases  of  these  taste  cells  form  synapses  with  small  afferent

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